Necropolis ongoing clear

Well sort of...Hello everyone, most of you guys don't know me as I don't post on here quite often but I have been lurking(that sounded bad). I feel like this clear is unique specifically in regards to champ choices, but more on that in a bit. Firstly, I have prepared a total of 65 level 1 revives and 50 level 2 revives alongside 8 level 2 team revives in prep for my run,I also have 5700 units with the necropolis clear in mind. I wouldn't describe myself as a good player,at my best I'm above average and at my worst doesn't look good is all I'll for those that are good at math that adds up to around 265 revives in total,now you might be wondering to yourself well most players took a little over 100 revives(some a lot less,I mean swedeah did it itemless for crying out loud) but the team I'm using will clear up everything.
I've always wanted to do an everest type of content in the game when it comes out. I have done both labyrinth and abyss completion but I did them years after they came out. So I wanted to do necropolis when the rewards are the most relevant and when the difficulty is most relevant. And when I found out about the road to the crypt, a deadline was set. Now here's the thing, we have in less than a week now the banquet event arrives,and as I am a F2P player I need all the units I can get for the banquet so I knew I had to finish necropolis before the banquet event so that way all the units that are left over and that I grind for go directly to that event rather than use my units for the event and then be unable to get necropolis done within the cutoff time so I set a date for myself, Dec 14. I made sure that all the revives in my stash start to expire on the 14th(cause otherwise I would just be like you know what I'll start tomorrow and just keep postponing and making it more difficult for myself).
I said in the beginning of my post(it's more of an essay at this point) this run is unique and well here's why that is:
I unlike most players who have done necropolis don't have the best options for the it. I don't have 7* shuri, 7* stryfe, 6* Kate bishop,my zemo is r4 and because the devs decided not to put any ascension material in this side event I can't ascend him(and I don't have enough t6cc to r5 him either) and most importantly I don't have a 6* Ægon. So you might be wondering to yourself,skillful who are you using then? Well the 5* ascended Ægon. So needing 250 revives doesn't seem as far fetched now does it?
So team composition, well proxima and heimdall are a must of course and I'm bringing my 7* Wiccan for the last phase of the grandmaster,so that leaves the last option. Initially I was going for fury for the 20% attack boost, but I realized I would be better off bringing in someone to help me deal with some annoying matches over just an attack increase in arrives Doom. A 6* r4 ascended doom, whom I'm bringing for air walker in particular as I'd heard he was a big problem for most so I figured doom would fair better than my Ægon would against him. Now as some of you have already figured out Dec 14 was yesterday,that is because I already started my run indeed. I had planned to write this post before the run starts and updating it as a go but things got in the way and I had to start my run as the revives were about to expire, so how has it been so far?
Well, titania was not fun....
I struggled a lot with getting a rhythm going in the fight and would lose my combo a lot, it was not pretty. 17 revives later(9 level 1, 8 level 2) and she goes down. By this point my aegon had 760 combo banked.
Next up was vision Aarkus I went in with Ægon but 3 revives later I realized that I wasn't getting enough run time in the fight to do much before his power got too out of hand... In comes doom,now the his node I suspect was designed with doom particularly in mind to prevent players from dominating him with doom. But doom worked,kinda. See as any doom player knows his rotation is sp3, medium light medium and then a normal combo to maximize power steal and take most advantage of the passive stun,usually vs aarkus doing this gets you immediately back to an sp3 and you pretty much just keep doing that over and over again until he's dead,but this aarkus node prevented you from using any special post sp3 for 6 seconds,and within the duration of your normal rotation you don't actually take all 6 seconds to do so the way it was was rng. In some runs I got lucky and the ai decides not to immediately go for his sp3 which would give me enough time get to another sp3 and by that point I would get the striker ready and thus after the mlm combo post sp3 I would do a normal combo followed by the striker and that would give me another combo and enough time to throw another sp3. In some runs I would be able to shave off 20-25% hp while the times I got unlucky would be about 5-10%. It was a weird but somewhat fun fight to do with doom and he went down in 5 revives. Aarkus total: 8 revives(all level 1)
(Oh and don't worry once I reached aarkus I immediately killed off heimdall and proxima for the road to crypt)
Next up omega sentinel ,now I hate fighting her in normal content so I was dreading it. Doom didn't do much as he isn't a good counter for her at all. But I went with Ægon as he was close to 999 combo and he worked decently well,bait the sp1 block the 2 blasts and just attack her. The autoblock wasn't really annoying in this case and I would immediately purify the incinerate so it was just the block damage for the sp1 and the necropolis node timer at play. After 5 revives I managed to get her to around 45% and on my 5th revive I decided to go for Ægon sp2. DON'T DO THAT!!! It was a bad move...the bleeds did no damage which I expected but I forgot that she heals and oh she started healing...I immediately quit out once I saw for how much she was healing. But then I started thinking,Ægon works but it's a slugfest, doom absolutely didn't,proxima and heimdall were both r1 6* so they weren't gonna do anything but I have the 7* Wiccan so out of curiosity I went in 6 minutes of spamming combos baiting out specials and throwing my sp1 and she goes down,it wasn't the fastest clear but he did it in 1 try. The sp1 heals all the energy damage you take so I pushed her to sp2(sometimes I can't evade the blast on the sp2 so I block it and when you do she inflicts and incinerate on you) and Wiccan would just heal all the damage back, and the neutralize prevented the armor ups from triggering and the incinerates Wiccan inflicts did a lot of work. Omega sentinel goes down in 6 revives.(all level 1)
Lastly air walker,It was getting late at this point for me so I decided while my boosts are still active I'll take down air walker and will get the rest done tomorrow. I went in with doom and well here

It was by no means the fastest run but doom had complete control, his galactus charge from the node never triggered,doom had his power controlled all the time. It was eventually the necropolis time node that got me because that stops your power control abilities so I wasn't able to take his power and he got to an sp3 and killed me( the heimdall cheat death was already triggered cause I messed up midway through the fight and ate an sp3 to the face). But 1 revive later and air walker is done. Air walker total revive count: 1.(level 1)
Total revive count so far : 32.
Honestly after the titania fight its not that bad,I'm gonna end up using a lot of units for sure but I think at this rate I will be able to beat it.
I will be going back in shortly so it'll be a little while before I update but once I take down a good batch I will.
I've always wanted to do an everest type of content in the game when it comes out. I have done both labyrinth and abyss completion but I did them years after they came out. So I wanted to do necropolis when the rewards are the most relevant and when the difficulty is most relevant. And when I found out about the road to the crypt, a deadline was set. Now here's the thing, we have in less than a week now the banquet event arrives,and as I am a F2P player I need all the units I can get for the banquet so I knew I had to finish necropolis before the banquet event so that way all the units that are left over and that I grind for go directly to that event rather than use my units for the event and then be unable to get necropolis done within the cutoff time so I set a date for myself, Dec 14. I made sure that all the revives in my stash start to expire on the 14th(cause otherwise I would just be like you know what I'll start tomorrow and just keep postponing and making it more difficult for myself).
I said in the beginning of my post(it's more of an essay at this point) this run is unique and well here's why that is:
I unlike most players who have done necropolis don't have the best options for the it. I don't have 7* shuri, 7* stryfe, 6* Kate bishop,my zemo is r4 and because the devs decided not to put any ascension material in this side event I can't ascend him(and I don't have enough t6cc to r5 him either) and most importantly I don't have a 6* Ægon. So you might be wondering to yourself,skillful who are you using then? Well the 5* ascended Ægon. So needing 250 revives doesn't seem as far fetched now does it?
So team composition, well proxima and heimdall are a must of course and I'm bringing my 7* Wiccan for the last phase of the grandmaster,so that leaves the last option. Initially I was going for fury for the 20% attack boost, but I realized I would be better off bringing in someone to help me deal with some annoying matches over just an attack increase in arrives Doom. A 6* r4 ascended doom, whom I'm bringing for air walker in particular as I'd heard he was a big problem for most so I figured doom would fair better than my Ægon would against him. Now as some of you have already figured out Dec 14 was yesterday,that is because I already started my run indeed. I had planned to write this post before the run starts and updating it as a go but things got in the way and I had to start my run as the revives were about to expire, so how has it been so far?
Well, titania was not fun....
I struggled a lot with getting a rhythm going in the fight and would lose my combo a lot, it was not pretty. 17 revives later(9 level 1, 8 level 2) and she goes down. By this point my aegon had 760 combo banked.
Next up was vision Aarkus I went in with Ægon but 3 revives later I realized that I wasn't getting enough run time in the fight to do much before his power got too out of hand... In comes doom,now the his node I suspect was designed with doom particularly in mind to prevent players from dominating him with doom. But doom worked,kinda. See as any doom player knows his rotation is sp3, medium light medium and then a normal combo to maximize power steal and take most advantage of the passive stun,usually vs aarkus doing this gets you immediately back to an sp3 and you pretty much just keep doing that over and over again until he's dead,but this aarkus node prevented you from using any special post sp3 for 6 seconds,and within the duration of your normal rotation you don't actually take all 6 seconds to do so the way it was was rng. In some runs I got lucky and the ai decides not to immediately go for his sp3 which would give me enough time get to another sp3 and by that point I would get the striker ready and thus after the mlm combo post sp3 I would do a normal combo followed by the striker and that would give me another combo and enough time to throw another sp3. In some runs I would be able to shave off 20-25% hp while the times I got unlucky would be about 5-10%. It was a weird but somewhat fun fight to do with doom and he went down in 5 revives. Aarkus total: 8 revives(all level 1)
(Oh and don't worry once I reached aarkus I immediately killed off heimdall and proxima for the road to crypt)
Next up omega sentinel ,now I hate fighting her in normal content so I was dreading it. Doom didn't do much as he isn't a good counter for her at all. But I went with Ægon as he was close to 999 combo and he worked decently well,bait the sp1 block the 2 blasts and just attack her. The autoblock wasn't really annoying in this case and I would immediately purify the incinerate so it was just the block damage for the sp1 and the necropolis node timer at play. After 5 revives I managed to get her to around 45% and on my 5th revive I decided to go for Ægon sp2. DON'T DO THAT!!! It was a bad move...the bleeds did no damage which I expected but I forgot that she heals and oh she started healing...I immediately quit out once I saw for how much she was healing. But then I started thinking,Ægon works but it's a slugfest, doom absolutely didn't,proxima and heimdall were both r1 6* so they weren't gonna do anything but I have the 7* Wiccan so out of curiosity I went in 6 minutes of spamming combos baiting out specials and throwing my sp1 and she goes down,it wasn't the fastest clear but he did it in 1 try. The sp1 heals all the energy damage you take so I pushed her to sp2(sometimes I can't evade the blast on the sp2 so I block it and when you do she inflicts and incinerate on you) and Wiccan would just heal all the damage back, and the neutralize prevented the armor ups from triggering and the incinerates Wiccan inflicts did a lot of work. Omega sentinel goes down in 6 revives.(all level 1)
Lastly air walker,It was getting late at this point for me so I decided while my boosts are still active I'll take down air walker and will get the rest done tomorrow. I went in with doom and well here

It was by no means the fastest run but doom had complete control, his galactus charge from the node never triggered,doom had his power controlled all the time. It was eventually the necropolis time node that got me because that stops your power control abilities so I wasn't able to take his power and he got to an sp3 and killed me( the heimdall cheat death was already triggered cause I messed up midway through the fight and ate an sp3 to the face). But 1 revive later and air walker is done. Air walker total revive count: 1.(level 1)
Total revive count so far : 32.
Honestly after the titania fight its not that bad,I'm gonna end up using a lot of units for sure but I think at this rate I will be able to beat it.
I will be going back in shortly so it'll be a little while before I update but once I take down a good batch I will.
If you can beat with a 5* aegon, then nothing can prevent me from beating it with a 6* kate, I am looking forward to hear about your further experiences.
So as of now I've reached nova. How has it gone so far?
Well, Captain Britain....I hate reverse controls....
I got better obviously as I went on but they are still really annoying. Revive tally: 4( level 1) 5( level 2) and 1 team for a total of 10 revives.
Next up was Wiccan. People kept saying this was an easy fight(at least content creators did),it wasn't....healing on the sp1 was annoying,sp2 was difficult to dex, passive neutralize was not fun and passive incinerate was painful.... Revive tally:5(level 1) 4(level 2) and 1 team for a total of 10 revives.
Next was Psychoman, he was primarily annoying because of just him being annoying with causing your abilities to fail. Not a fun fight. Revive tally: 4(level 1) 5(level 2) and 1 team(notice the pattern?) For a total of,you guessed it, 10 revives!
We soldier on forward, by this point I'm halfway there(and living on a prayer) so I decide to turn on suicides to Amp up the damage on my Ægon.
Next up was guardian,whom I expected to be a relatively easy fight(and in theory he was). Just dex the sp1,Ægon will ignore the armor and autoblock and that's it. Except I messed up a lot and kept eating his relatively easy sp1 to the face....Revive tally: 5(level 1) 5(level 2) and 1 team for a total of 11 revives.
Next was Valkyrie. I realized later on that this is one fight where healing up was vital as that was the biggest problem. Relatively easy fight if you can block a hit every now and then while baiting her specials(her sp1 being a great option for how easy it is) otherwise it is a pretty straightforward fight.
Revive tally: 6(level 1) 4(level 2) and 1 team for a total of 11 revives(pretty consistant so far honestly).
Next was BY FAR the easiest opponent in general and that is red guardian. Ægon just chews through this one honestly. The reason I had to Revive was because I timed out twice with the necropolis node and it made it way more difficult to dex his sp1. I also just messed up. But generally this is a very easy and straightforward fight. Revive tally: 2(level 1) and 2(level 2) for a total of 4 revives.
Now the cap falcon fight was also easy because his sp1 is easy to dex and Ægon just ignores his autoblock but the problem is time. Because of the armor the fight becomes a slugfest and yeah. It's annoying but not as difficult. Revive tally: 5(level 1) and 2(level 2) for a total of 7 revives.
Up next was a fight that most have dreaded. Dragon man. With using Ægon ,dragon man practically becomes permanently stun immune so you have to either take a blocked sp1 hit(just 1 hit not the entire sp1) or bait the sp2 to get rid of his power gain. As long as you manage that,it's a simple fight really. I'd recommend practicing dexing that sp2 because it will come in handy. Revive tally: 7(level 1) 2(level 2) and 2 team revives for a total of 11 revives.
Lastly on this update is cap infinity war. Similar to red guardian is an easy fight really. I just died because I kept going for the sp2 and didn't have much in the way of health potions by this point. Revive tally: 5(level 2). That's it just 5 l2 revives.
Revive count so far :
Level 1 : 61
Level 2 : 43
Team : 7
Stash count:
Level 1 : 4
Level 2 : 7
Team : 1
Units: 5660(I used 40 for the suicides)
I am currently taking a small break after which I jump back in again and finish the necropolis.
Nova was a nightmare....about 5000 hair pulled and he goes down. Revive tally: 4(level 1) 18(level 2) and 2 team revives for a total of 24 revives and 540 I said, a nightmare....
Finally the big kahuna himself. The Grandmaster!
Even though I used quite a bit of revives on him I still firmly believe that the grandmaster is the most well designed boss in mcoc.
It took a couple of tries for me to get used to dexing his sp1 again since you never really fight him after act 6. But once I got the hang of it again,phase 1 is very easy to do.
The green light red light thing is a cute gimmick but it won't come into play as often as you'd think.
The second phase is also relatively easy as well.
Phase 3 though is where it's at. Again as I stated before,I HATE reverse controls....after a while I realized I wasn't going anywhere trying to actually do the mechanics of the phase and decided to just go in do as much damage as I can rinse and repeat.
Once I reached 1% I turned off suicides and went in with Wiccan and he dealt with it in 1 try.
Really he has no more challenges and all you need to do is throw an sp3,sp2,sp1 and intercept him and he's dead.
Revive tally: 21(level 2). 21 revives total for the grandmaster.(yes i needed more revives for nova than the grandmaster....)
So the final Revive tally:
Level 1 revives : 65
Level 2 revives : 82
Team revives : 10
Total: 147 revives and half my hair
Now for the exciting part, REWARDS!
I guess I just get to r3 anyone at the moment but eventually. I'm also happy to just do it and get the Maestro and road to the crypt rewards when they come out. Hopefully this has inspired some people who may not have every character necessary to do it! Thanks for everyone who commented and good luck to anyone trying to do it!
You gotta explore it before 15th Jan.
Thanks for your contribution.