Not Another Anime Reference description mistake

I have been doing incursions to gain points on the Plat pool event lately couse I really want to get my last 7* platpool piece, and nothing better than getting to sector 6 zone 25 to get points...

The description of the event in my main language reads as follows: Take part in incursions to score points! (translated directly from Google translator), right below the SOBRE O EVENTO (about the event), and so I did, and I didn't get a single point because I did the incursion with a friend. and if you take a look at the event description in English...

it says "solo incursions"... can you understand how frustrating it is for me as I spent units and revives to get to zone 25 and not gain a single point? since my ultimate goal is to get my last missing piece through ranked rewards . all the time and resources wasted due to improper translation... things like that make you feel tired of playing, even though I love this game...

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