Banquet event help

Lordtellox9Lordtellox9 Member Posts: 27
Hello thank you for taking the time to answer my question

My guild leader kicked a fellow member and I reinvited them are they locked out of banquet for 14 even though they rejoined the same alliance?


  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,548 ★★★★★
    They still suffer the same restrictions. But they will still get everything…. Tell them not to open any crystals until the timer runs out. Otherwise their crystals won’t count for the alliance. No one is completely out of luck unless they are kicked on the 20th.
  • Lordtellox9Lordtellox9 Member Posts: 27
    Good to know and darn I hate to see someone having to wait because lack of leadership communication
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