What was the thought behind this design? (EQ 3.2)

I am genuinely curious what was the thought behind putting 2 Aboms on 3.2 EQ, that targets cosmic champs. On 2/5 paths? There are literally 10 poison immune cosmics, look:
3x Ms. Marvel (pretty irrelevant, plus the node needs more unique buffs)
Black Bolt (could work, but only w synergies, I think there aren't many players w high rank BB)
Ronan (nice, but he has almost no buffs, so the node won't work again)
Maestro (valid, but pretty rarely owned imho)
Now this leaves us with pretty much 4 options:
Hulkling (imo the best counter of the 4)
Hyperion (also great champ, although needs patient playstyle bcs of falter)
Medusa (same story as Hype, but I dare say she is a rarely used champ these days, because she is outshined by many other cosmics)
CMM (also very little amount of unique buffs and fairly unpopular rankup option these days)
Look, I don't wanna sound like a whiny entitled idiot, so I will ask straight away: if I don't have Hulkling, whom the hell do I use?? Am I blind? Whom did you use? Is there some counter I have overlooked? This feels pretty hopeless to me. In theory KG could work, but it'd be a horrible fight imo. Having looked at my options and the filters leaves me in a state of confusion.
3x Ms. Marvel (pretty irrelevant, plus the node needs more unique buffs)
Black Bolt (could work, but only w synergies, I think there aren't many players w high rank BB)
Ronan (nice, but he has almost no buffs, so the node won't work again)
Maestro (valid, but pretty rarely owned imho)
Now this leaves us with pretty much 4 options:
Hulkling (imo the best counter of the 4)
Hyperion (also great champ, although needs patient playstyle bcs of falter)
Medusa (same story as Hype, but I dare say she is a rarely used champ these days, because she is outshined by many other cosmics)
CMM (also very little amount of unique buffs and fairly unpopular rankup option these days)
Look, I don't wanna sound like a whiny entitled idiot, so I will ask straight away: if I don't have Hulkling, whom the hell do I use?? Am I blind? Whom did you use? Is there some counter I have overlooked? This feels pretty hopeless to me. In theory KG could work, but it'd be a horrible fight imo. Having looked at my options and the filters leaves me in a state of confusion.
Also Angela works because she reduces debuff duration, gets buffs.
I used warlock.
As for Ibom, it’s the usual AA 🧀.
Anyway Hercules can do all fights if needed 😉
In your case I’d just take good looks at your roster and determine who could beat a node even if it’s not who you think they meant for it.