4-5 gem Necropolis

BanannaPandaBanannaPanda Member Posts: 153
edited December 2023 in General Discussion
Just finished my second path in necropolis (roblin and Elsa) and got the 4-5 gem, but don’t know who is better to use it for Necro. I’ve got Ægon at r5 for my main source of damage. I need someone for the fights he can’t do well. No luck for 7* Shuri but I’m wondering if I just wait to pull her before taking the Mr. F lane. I hear great things from Kate players and enjoy her, but I don’t think I’m quite that skilled

First necro clear was Titania and guardian

4-5 gem Necropolis 39 votes

Kate (sig 147)
Manup456Malreck04MigginslyAvengers320IvarTheBonelessPikoluZurocaptain_rogersEwell65SSS69jcphillips7Dfour24Ben_15455ahmynutsHoitadoSparty6Trek26ThePredator1001JT_SupremeLicky_Rick87_ 23 votes
Shuri (sig 1)
yossJustcause102PybruhDeadpoisdeadwillrun4adonutEndgod 6 votes
Other necro options
Sunxhalo 1 vote
Screw necro do herc
MagicBentonFilledPizzaAdrianz1GardoshAdri5846Ngoalong711SaltE_Wenis69AxewKLZ 9 votes


  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    Kate (sig 147)
    I voted Kate, but if your next plan is to do the Mr. F lane and you've also got Aegon, I'd do Shuri.

    I just finished that lane and Shuri solo'ed every fight I used her for except one. Mine was an awakened 7* r3 mind you, but she is VERY good for that path, at least 7 fights or so.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,824 ★★★★★
    Shuri (sig 1)
    I'm not the best shuri player (or player in general). I brute forced and revives with Aegon for almost all paths, and saved path 2 for the end since Aegon can't reliable get them in the corner. So I ascended and r5 my shuri jay for the path. It turned out to be my second easiest path, and I never used her before.
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★
    edited December 2023
    I personally used a R2 7* Shuri and a R4 kate unascended. While shuri did get a few solo's (went titania to apoc) I feel like kate did better for me even at that level. Basicly if you can shuri the fight then do it. If not then kate it. Im planning to R5 kate and will 100% take shuri again. I do feel like the 6* shuri will cost more and im not sure if she will get solo's due to the timer of 6*s.

    Basicly shuri is the "safe counter option" while kate is the "high damage counter option".

    I think I did like 5 fights or so with kate and got them each down in 1 - 2 revives due to timer/mistakes
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