Red Skull doing power drain damage to champs that are immune to power drain

Before I reported this as a bug, I just wanted to check to see if I was missing something. Ever since his buff, I've noticed that champs that are supposed to be immune to power drain (e.g. Galan, Venom) are taking damage from hitting into Red Skull's block. If that's an intended functionality from his re-work, then ok, but I don't see anything in his kit that should allow that.

2) There is no "Power Drain Damage". There is Power Burn which 'burns' you power and deals proportional damage.
3) Red Skull does two things when you hit his block. He drains your power AND deals damage.
Galan and Venom are immune to the power drain but they can still be dealt damage
There is no "technicalities" when it was intended like that. Have always been the same.