Necropolis Options

Im trying to decide if I still want to throw all my units into banquet or not. I don’t think I have the roster strength for Necropolis yet. I’m still missing Kate and Aegon. I do have 7* Shuri.
Who else can lead a necropolis completion run?
I saw someone make a run with Sentry which was awesome but he’s not a champ I’m going to have time to sink the resources into and time to learn to play well before January 15.
If you’ve made a run without Kate or Aegon can you post your team/who you used for which fights/how many revives it took?
Who else can lead a necropolis completion run?
I saw someone make a run with Sentry which was awesome but he’s not a champ I’m going to have time to sink the resources into and time to learn to play well before January 15.
If you’ve made a run without Kate or Aegon can you post your team/who you used for which fights/how many revives it took?
You should absolutely focus on doing a run on necro compared to banquet.
Banquet rewards are dated, basically the same as they were last year and the crystals are total RNG
Doing 1 run through necro will give you way more, plus the road to the crypt rewards out in January
I don't think this is a hard decision at all.
I still have 3 paths left, I wish I had shuri, opening one more 7, then just going to R5 the 6 star
If there’s a path to completion without them I’d like to try but I need some suggestions on who to use and which path.
OG Hulk
Would Gamora or Hulkling or Angela or Red Goblin work in place of Adam?
And I have absorbing man but also have doom and I’m more used to playing doom. Would he work for the absorbing man fights or do I need to work on my light intercepts some more?
Thanks for all the input so far.