My fifth path in the Necropolis: Violence and Valor

Time for the Jubilee/Mantis path, and boy was this one a doozy.
The Squad:
6* R5 ascended sig 180 Aegon
6* R4 sig 100 torch (for diablo)
6* R1 heimdall (sp3 tank)
5* R4 proxima (combo shield and fury potency)
6* R3 prof x (grandmaster final phase)
The Stash:
Around 1800 units
12 L1 revives
8 L2 revives
Max stacks of L3 potions plus about 25 in the stash
No free crystals or L4 potions (which was not a great idea)
Bunch of 30 minute boosters
Masteries: Nothing new here. Max despair is on which helps with diablo.
Journey to the Grandmaster:
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one isn't too terrible. From Jubilee to sunspot when you crit the defender you get reduced crit rate and power gain for a short time. This essentially means that it will
Jubilee was very annoying. Basically, depending on her current active firework when she throws a special, you can only use either medium, light or heavy attacks (there will be a corresponding letter below your health bar). Using the wrong attack or dexing a special gives her a full bar of power. When ramping up aegon, this isn't too bad to manage as long as you are diligent, however when she enrages and you start getting rooted both dexing and blocking specials will end up killing you. When the enrage kicks in, nuke with aegon, then eat a sp3 (if heimdall is still available), then nuke in as much as you can before you die. 8 revives with Aegon.
Ibom was a bit of a nuisance. Basically you have to push to sp2 since he acid burns you if he gets 12 poisons on himself. However, even with aegon's tenacity the poison can rinse you if he is being passive. Try to shrug the poisons asap and heal up to make the most of your tries. None of his specials are evadable when rooted so be ready to eat some block damage if you survive to the enrage. 6 revives with aegon.
Diablo was easy. Basically you have to consume the ingredient he wants otherwise you will take damage. Your light attacks cycle between ingredients and your second medium brews it. After it is brewed, dash back and hold block to consume it. Pretty straightforward stuff, however diablo also has massive healing whenever he throws a special attack. Unfortunately for him, torch exists. Do not use the prefight so you can make use of the despair mastery. Play aggressive and reverse his healing, both specials are evadable when rooted so he should be easy pickings. 1 revive with torch.
Squirrel girl is still nothing difficult. 2 revives with Aegon nuke cycle.
Silver centurion is significantly more difficult this time around since you can't sp3 cheese him because of the trap node. Use Aegon and try to deal as much damage as possible before he locks on. When he inevitably does, stay away from him and do not let him use sp1 since it refreshes lock on. Pray you don't get cornered before the lock on expires and you should be fine. 7 revives with Aegon.
Spidey 2099 was a much needed break. 2 revives with Aegon.
Sunspot was also fairly straightforward. 4 revives with Aegon.
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one is interesting. Every few seconds, unless you are dashing back or using a special, you lose all of your power. For the most part, this isn't too terrible for aegon, however there is ONE fight that makes this trap node a living hell. More on him later...
Mantis is a fun one. She takes no damage from you, however she switches between angry and sad phases. When she's angry, intercepting her removes 2% of her health, and when she's sad, hitting her block removes 0.25% of her health. However, with aegon, you are always going through the block so you can only deal damage in the angry phase. Try not to let her use sp1 and you should be fine. 4 revives with Aegon.
Next is Future ant man.... Oh man....
There are a lot of bad things about this fight. Whenever you use the same special twice in a row, he gets 2 of his armor buffs which make him start glancing. They can be removed by intercepting him, however if you do so your sp1 is disabled for a few seconds. However, the worst part BY FAR is his power detonation, which can only be removed by throwing specials. However, with the trap node, the sp1 lock and the power drain upon activation, it can be really difficult to manage. Watch the trap node, dash back when needed, and be ready to glance a LOT in this fight. Also don't throw full combos or he will stun you if the last hit glances. 11 (!) revives with Aegon (quite embarrassing, I know lol).
Kitty was much easier. She basically just gains a load of prowess and some dot resistance later on. However in the final phase, if you block an sp1, she instantly gets 2 bars of power and a bunch more prowess, so watch out for that. Keep her cornered and mind the phasing and you should be fine. Special 2 is still evadable when rooted so use that to your advantage. 3 revives with Aegon.
Sandman was more of the same, pray he doesn't go unstable too often and you'll be fine. 2 revives with aegon.
Spidey Supreme was also more of the same. Hit his block and win. 4 revives with aegon.
Knull was another aegon nuke, heal up to maximize the amount of damage you do. 5 revives with Aegon.
Shocker was nothing special either. Solo with aegon.
And after 1 revive and another aegon/prof x tag-team on grandmaster, my fifth path is in the bin!
Final Cost:
1600 units, all spent on L2 revives
All of my stashed potions and revives.
Quite a few 30 minute attack, health and champ boosters
Almost 2 hours of my time.
The Rewards:
Got 200 pixie dust from the chest, put it into cgr as my third ascension.
1. DON'T PANIC. Future ant man definitely grinded my gears, and that in turn cost me quite a few more revives (the number of times I failed to evade his specials was embarrassingly high). Keep your composure and step away if you have to.
2. I ran the Sauron/Surfer path already, was super cheap. Gonna try and get a guide out soon along with my exploration rewards and final tips. Exams have completely burned me out though so it may take some time.
Hope this helps y'all!
The Squad:
6* R5 ascended sig 180 Aegon
6* R4 sig 100 torch (for diablo)
6* R1 heimdall (sp3 tank)
5* R4 proxima (combo shield and fury potency)
6* R3 prof x (grandmaster final phase)
The Stash:
Around 1800 units
12 L1 revives
8 L2 revives
Max stacks of L3 potions plus about 25 in the stash
No free crystals or L4 potions (which was not a great idea)
Bunch of 30 minute boosters
Masteries: Nothing new here. Max despair is on which helps with diablo.
Journey to the Grandmaster:
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one isn't too terrible. From Jubilee to sunspot when you crit the defender you get reduced crit rate and power gain for a short time. This essentially means that it will
Jubilee was very annoying. Basically, depending on her current active firework when she throws a special, you can only use either medium, light or heavy attacks (there will be a corresponding letter below your health bar). Using the wrong attack or dexing a special gives her a full bar of power. When ramping up aegon, this isn't too bad to manage as long as you are diligent, however when she enrages and you start getting rooted both dexing and blocking specials will end up killing you. When the enrage kicks in, nuke with aegon, then eat a sp3 (if heimdall is still available), then nuke in as much as you can before you die. 8 revives with Aegon.
Ibom was a bit of a nuisance. Basically you have to push to sp2 since he acid burns you if he gets 12 poisons on himself. However, even with aegon's tenacity the poison can rinse you if he is being passive. Try to shrug the poisons asap and heal up to make the most of your tries. None of his specials are evadable when rooted so be ready to eat some block damage if you survive to the enrage. 6 revives with aegon.
Diablo was easy. Basically you have to consume the ingredient he wants otherwise you will take damage. Your light attacks cycle between ingredients and your second medium brews it. After it is brewed, dash back and hold block to consume it. Pretty straightforward stuff, however diablo also has massive healing whenever he throws a special attack. Unfortunately for him, torch exists. Do not use the prefight so you can make use of the despair mastery. Play aggressive and reverse his healing, both specials are evadable when rooted so he should be easy pickings. 1 revive with torch.
Squirrel girl is still nothing difficult. 2 revives with Aegon nuke cycle.
Silver centurion is significantly more difficult this time around since you can't sp3 cheese him because of the trap node. Use Aegon and try to deal as much damage as possible before he locks on. When he inevitably does, stay away from him and do not let him use sp1 since it refreshes lock on. Pray you don't get cornered before the lock on expires and you should be fine. 7 revives with Aegon.
Spidey 2099 was a much needed break. 2 revives with Aegon.
Sunspot was also fairly straightforward. 4 revives with Aegon.
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one is interesting. Every few seconds, unless you are dashing back or using a special, you lose all of your power. For the most part, this isn't too terrible for aegon, however there is ONE fight that makes this trap node a living hell. More on him later...
Mantis is a fun one. She takes no damage from you, however she switches between angry and sad phases. When she's angry, intercepting her removes 2% of her health, and when she's sad, hitting her block removes 0.25% of her health. However, with aegon, you are always going through the block so you can only deal damage in the angry phase. Try not to let her use sp1 and you should be fine. 4 revives with Aegon.
Next is Future ant man.... Oh man....
There are a lot of bad things about this fight. Whenever you use the same special twice in a row, he gets 2 of his armor buffs which make him start glancing. They can be removed by intercepting him, however if you do so your sp1 is disabled for a few seconds. However, the worst part BY FAR is his power detonation, which can only be removed by throwing specials. However, with the trap node, the sp1 lock and the power drain upon activation, it can be really difficult to manage. Watch the trap node, dash back when needed, and be ready to glance a LOT in this fight. Also don't throw full combos or he will stun you if the last hit glances. 11 (!) revives with Aegon (quite embarrassing, I know lol).
Kitty was much easier. She basically just gains a load of prowess and some dot resistance later on. However in the final phase, if you block an sp1, she instantly gets 2 bars of power and a bunch more prowess, so watch out for that. Keep her cornered and mind the phasing and you should be fine. Special 2 is still evadable when rooted so use that to your advantage. 3 revives with Aegon.
Sandman was more of the same, pray he doesn't go unstable too often and you'll be fine. 2 revives with aegon.
Spidey Supreme was also more of the same. Hit his block and win. 4 revives with aegon.
Knull was another aegon nuke, heal up to maximize the amount of damage you do. 5 revives with Aegon.
Shocker was nothing special either. Solo with aegon.
And after 1 revive and another aegon/prof x tag-team on grandmaster, my fifth path is in the bin!
Final Cost:
1600 units, all spent on L2 revives
All of my stashed potions and revives.
Quite a few 30 minute attack, health and champ boosters
Almost 2 hours of my time.
The Rewards:
Got 200 pixie dust from the chest, put it into cgr as my third ascension.
1. DON'T PANIC. Future ant man definitely grinded my gears, and that in turn cost me quite a few more revives (the number of times I failed to evade his specials was embarrassingly high). Keep your composure and step away if you have to.
2. I ran the Sauron/Surfer path already, was super cheap. Gonna try and get a guide out soon along with my exploration rewards and final tips. Exams have completely burned me out though so it may take some time.
Hope this helps y'all!
I have also seen Wiccan work fairly well for Galan so if you have him ranked you can bring him as your reverse control immune instead of prof x. This would allow you to bring torch on the team.
Trying to get the first 3 paths on the left done with my r6 Kate, but heard Aegon is actually cheaper than Kats for the right side paths
One question as this is probably gonna be my 2nd path I do, what fights would you have preferred to ramp aegon against? Jubilee/ibom? Or ideally squirrel girl/spidey99/sunspot? Im going to do a dual kate/Aegon so i can ramp him whenever is most convenient
If you're ramping up Aegon on Jubilee, make sure you turn off liquid courage and double edge. Otherwise, when you start purifying them, you'll take damage.