Petition to buff Sym Spidey

Sym Spidey is so cool, he deserves more, he deserves to be a top level champ, and with Spiderman 2 releasing a few months ago, I feel Kabam missed the mark by not doing it then, still JUSTICE FOR SYMBIOTE SPIDERMAN!!!!
That's not to say that they shouldn't rework symbiote Spidey but if they didn't do it in celebration of either spider-verse films or the end credit teaser we got from No Way Home, then for now, we're stuck waiting. Unless of course Marvel themselves decrees that they want to put a bigger Spotlight on symbiote Spidey.
However, I feel that I should point out that Petitions are explicitly against the Forum rules, so it's probably best to choose a different title next time 😉
Something to improve his ramp up, and something for his SP1 and SP3. That'll probably do.