We Will Get Better Banquet Rewards if Everyone Does This

If you have a bunch of alt accounts make sure you log in and open the free crystals you get... In this way, that account will participate in the event; therefore, if everyone does that, your main account might get better rewards because tiers are % based. To explain what I am saying more simply. If 100 people participate in something 1% of 100 is 1 but if 1000 participates 1% becomes 10 people so more people participate with low points it increases your chance to get better rewards on your main account.

So by that logic if 10 000 plays
Then 1% = 100 people
If 10 people play then 0.10% people is added.
So its still 100 people getting 1%. So technically saying "the more people = the more will get % is false".
As its "The more % of accounts participating = the more will get %"
So every 100 accounts = 1 extra person in 1%
It really be like that sometimes
What a hero.
It isn't just top 1% that gets larger, it is top 5% and top 10% and all the way down. The more players who participate, the larger all rank percentage brackets get, and the more rewards collectively all players get.
And yeah, there are players who think all but the highest tier rewards are not great, but free is free and getting free stuff on an alt so everyone else gets more free stuff on all other accounts is not the worst way to spend a minute.
Don’t disagree with any of that. Makes sense.
I guess my first post was more flippant than serious but my tone is also maybe more to do with something else and OP.
Having more trouble reconciling this part of your response though: “ getting free stuff on an alt” and by that I guess I mean not being able to whole heartedly agree with it as I could everything else you wrote. Reason being it’s down to what that alt is for no? For example, I have playable alts, 3 of which are paragon level. I take part in banquet with those kinds of Alta without even thinking about it.
But, I also have some 30 odd pure gifting accounts. These are accounts left over from actual gifting event from a few years ago. Last time I logged onto any of them was maybe 11 months ago. I do not actively play them. Spending the time to log on, claim something, open something, and then repeat across accounts just doesn’t appeal to me as the rewards those accounts get are completely wasted. I’ll never use any of it. As for doing it for the sake of pushing everyone else up the brackets, again, looking at my own accounts, the only brackets where rewards mean anything to me are the ones that aren’t influenced by alts doing minimum. It’s the brackets where you have to spend silly money. Am I willing to spend whatever time it takes to each of those accounts for meh rewards? Absolutely not. But if there’s others out there that are, more power to them.
Of course, arena grinders overlapped the crazy people quite a bit back then, so.