The only ignorant person is you. Silver centurion is a Marvel Realm of Champions (MROC) champion. Silver centurion was from the house of Iron which was ruled by the Stark AI because Tony Stark died trying to fight the Maestro. Silver Centurion can't be Tony Stark.
The only ignorant person is you. Silver centurion is a Marvel Realm of Champions (MROC) champion. Silver centurion was from the house of Iron which was ruled by the Stark AI because Tony Stark died trying to fight the Maestro. Silver Centurion can't be Tony Stark.
How dumb can you guys be roadie is not silver centurion Tony Stark is!
Maybe in comics he was. But this isn't the comics. It's got its own lore and story and some.of that comes from MROC as well. Perhaps you should try doing a bit of research before making yourself look like a fool.