Removal of the pause button in Bgs

If its possible Kabam, can you kindly remove the pause button in battlegrounds please? I know this may cause a little disagreement but, people have been taking advantage of this in order to win the game. I have lost over 20 matches because of this, and I’m a little disappointed.
And if you decide to heavily penalize or even cause the player to forfeit if they switch away, that will cause more problems than it solves. I've accidentally swiped up on the game client and switched from it far more times than I've had an opponent pause the fight out on me. You'd anger far more people who make innocent mistakes penalizing context switches than you would likely save people from pausers.
What if you want to take a sip of water or a moment of break, without losing the match? Pause button do exist in every real time strategy/ mmo rts games.
Black cat can also be faster if you kill the first life before the sp2 ends and get a crit.
[1 - (120s - fight time)/120s ] * Total Score.
Haven't checked it so it might be wrong.
I see why removing the pause button would be a problem, but including “using pausing to stall out or win games” as one of their parameters for detecting unfair play in battlegrounds wouldn’t be catastrophic.
But if this formula is used globally, and not as a paused fight penalty, then it simply penalizes shorter fights. A fight that kills the defender in exactly 120 seconds scores the same score as it does now, while the same fight that defeats the defender while taking the same amount of damage but does so in sixty seconds would score half the points that it does now. Killing the defender faster would actually be a penalty, which doesn't make sense.
I'm assuming that's not the intent, and the formula intends to express some other idea.
I'm guessing they realise quickly and hit the pause hoping that 15k might win the fight, its either accidental/lack of understanding or their overall roster is just not developed enough to fill out 30 spots so its loaded with suboptimal champs just hoping to outlast the other guy.
That being said, the pause button can’t be removed but there needs to be a way to penalize pausing or switching the app causing a pause mid fight for too long. I get where the frustration comes for and agree it ain’t all fair and it shouldn’t be a strategy to win.
Similar (but different) idea to one I just put in another “Pause complaint” post.
One idea would be to Lose an amount of Health based on the duration of your Pause.
Takes effect once you resume (or fight times out, which doesn’t it sort of resume on it's own for a split second anyways it you had stayed paused until the end ?)
(A) Either you lose health at the rate of your Max Health / Max Fight time (120 sec) times # seconds you were paused.
So pausing right away (when still at 100%) would cause you to end up at basically a tiny bit above 0% if you pause the entire fight.
Otherwise, pausing for say 12 seconds would cause you to lose 10% of your Max Health (12 / 120).
(B) Or at least at half of that rate (Max Health / 240 * Paused Duration), so you could finish no better than 50% if paused the whole fight.
(C) Or, which would closer resemble what happens in AQ and some other content, make it at Half Rate of your CURRENT Health at the time you Pause. Pausing from beginning would still result in 50% at end. But if you Paused later in the fight, after being down some already, it gets treated like quitting in AQ where you just lose an additional 1/2 of where you are (if you end up staying Paused for the rest of the fight duration).
Resuming after just checking Nodes (or momentary interruption by kids, etc), would bring you down in Health according to the Rate above once you Resume. Which *may* (in the case of A or B above) cause you to be KO if you were already low on health, or (in case of C) would come back at 1/2 of where you were when you paused.
Ex: first time I fought Gorr, I had to keep stopping to read what his "32" buffs and debuffs were, and see why I kept getting hit when I didn't see
the usual "unblockable" symbol.
This is going to keep happening everytime they add new champs, or go up against champs we're not familiar with.
If Kabam needs to add something, it should be a "Skip sp 3" option. Sp 3's are long, time consuming, and shouldn't be in a timed fight.
If they can’t score above that, then pause isn’t their main problem.
Understanding the meta and building a deck around it, is most likely the reason they are losing, to anyone who pause or crash the game intentionally 🤷♂️
Dr. Zola
Don’t think I agree but interesting nonetheless.