Necropolis Explorers : How realistic is the exploration ?

Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
I want to know this from those who have already explored Necropolis. I already did the Titania path with r5 Ægon , 7* Wiccan r1 , Proxima , Heimdall and Doom .

Now i want to target other paths . Currently got 6k units , 35 l1 , 22 l2 and 15 team revives . I will defo do some major revive farming but is it possible to explore Necro before Jan 15th ??

Another thing my Shuri is only 6* r3 , can r4 and ascend her but don't have cats to rank 5 her . Neither do i have Kate or Chavez . How can i target the exploration ??


  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,544 ★★★★★
    How many revives did you use for the first path? 6000 with 50 revives wouldn’t be enough for me for 5 paths, but I’m not a good player. For better players that is probably plenty. Knowing how many you used on the first path will help gauge the answer.

    I’ve asked the same question on Shuri and been told that R4 Shuri with a relic should be doable - it will just cost a few more revives than an R5 or a 7*. Haven’t done it myself yet as I’m saving the Shuri path to last in the hopes that I pull the 7* before then.

    Also, not sure if this is what you have in mind but you don’t need to finish exploring by the 15th for the crypt rewards - you have already earned those with your completion. Although no one is going to complain about more deaths on the counter.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,169 ★★★★★
    Drop proxima for someone useful and you'd have to do a lot of revive farming IMO. Your stash rn would be alright but i dont know how good of a player you are
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,305 ★★★★
    Rohit_316 said:

    I want to know this from those who have already explored Necropolis. I already did the Titania path with r5 Ægon , 7* Wiccan r1 , Proxima , Heimdall and Doom .

    Now i want to target other paths . Currently got 6k units , 35 l1 , 22 l2 and 15 team revives . I will defo do some major revive farming but is it possible to explore Necro before Jan 15th ??

    Another thing my Shuri is only 6* r3 , can r4 and ascend her but don't have cats to rank 5 her . Neither do i have Kate or Chavez . How can i target the exploration ??

    Why before Jan 15th? If you've done completion then you'll get the extra rewards that will come.

    If it's because you want to explore it then just do a path and see what you have left. Im with the other guy above though, your revives per path could be an indication.
  • MᗅՏᗅCREMᗅՏᗅCRE Member Posts: 192 ★★
    I did almost every path with r4 ascended Aegon, r2 shuri, heimdall, proxima and juggs.
    If you dont have shuri there is no problem, she is good for some fights in the 3 left paths.
    For the right paths I didnt bring shuri and instead brought Doom for Silver Centurion and for the diablo/galan path Human torch.
    I think I used 350 revives for the whole exploration aprox (with 4h crystals and a lot of farming). The hardest one was the Galan one for sure but I think necropolis is pretty reasonable rn that we have the farms. Take advantage lol

  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,062 ★★★★★
    SandeepS said:

    Rohit_316 said:

    I want to know this from those who have already explored Necropolis. I already did the Titania path with r5 Ægon , 7* Wiccan r1 , Proxima , Heimdall and Doom .

    Now i want to target other paths . Currently got 6k units , 35 l1 , 22 l2 and 15 team revives . I will defo do some major revive farming but is it possible to explore Necro before Jan 15th ??

    Another thing my Shuri is only 6* r3 , can r4 and ascend her but don't have cats to rank 5 her . Neither do i have Kate or Chavez . How can i target the exploration ??

    Why before Jan 15th? If you've done completion then you'll get the extra rewards that will come.

    If it's because you want to explore it then just do a path and see what you have left. Im with the other guy above though, your revives per path could be an indication.
    Probably because revive farming is going away around that date or slightly before
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Yup possible. Keep Wong too
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,179 ★★★★
    Absolutely possible. I'm on the last two paths. Very little investment with the same team. I actually almost soloed gm my 4th time with aegon
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