Need Help on Which 6 stars are worth awakening

I need help on which 6 stars are worth awakening, I have 3 generic awakening gems, one skill awakening gem, and one mystic awakening gem.
Here is a list of the top options to awaken
cosmic - hercules, galan, hyperion, vox
mystic - america chavez, rintrah, werewolf
skill - kate bishop, baron zemo
mutant - omega red and red magneto
science - silk
tech - guilly 2099
Here is a list of the top options to awaken
cosmic - hercules, galan, hyperion, vox
mystic - america chavez, rintrah, werewolf
skill - kate bishop, baron zemo
mutant - omega red and red magneto
science - silk
tech - guilly 2099
Chavez I know Sees a benefit at sig one, but bigger benefits come at higher levels, idk enough about werewolf to say and rintrah is fine without.
Kate bishop is great, and I’ve only heard good things about her sig ability. I duped my zemo recently and as a casual zemo player haven’t noticed a difference (I don’t actually know what it does)
Omega Red is 100% worth it if you have a lot of sigs available, if not, don’t bother
Silk i know little about but I’ve heard the dupe takes her to the next level (will need to hear confirmation on this)
Guilly 2099 doesn’t need it at all, as the owner of an unduped 7* i can say with confidence she has done everything I need of her at sig 0
Overall from my experiences I’d say Herc, Hyp and omega Red are no brainers, but again investing in herc and omega Red can be decently expensive
Edit: having done a bit of research i can confirm that Silks sig ability looks great and worth investing in, although for max benefit (100% reduction in regen rate) sig 129 is needed (not accounting for despair mastery). Kate bishops only confused me, I have no idea how she works so an expert will be needed on that. And Zemos looks pretty useless overall