Becoming Valiant and Necropolis total expense

iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
After a lot of grinding in the quest that shall not be named, i finally explored necropolis and became Valiant, here a recap of revives spent and a few hard fights, so take a sit and grab a popcorn cause this will be a long post since i'll explain every hard fight i had in order to try to help you guys that is looking forward to explore necropolis
Path 1-1 = 59 revives (Aegon 6* r5 ascended, Shuri 7* r2, Proxima, Heindall, Wiccan 6* r3)
Hard fights: Airwalker = was a nightmare on the first try with aegon, 6 revives spent and i don't recomend using aegon if you don't have a better option, Kate make this fight really easy and so i've heard ABS makes it easy aswell
Nova = You can do it with aegon but it's an annoying fight, aegon's reduced defensive ability accuracy let you do some normal damage on nova but sometimes your crits will be like 5k max and you can't stand too close because of the node, my advice? 4 hits and dash back, take a lot of advantage of ending your combo with a guard open and after you take a hit, blast nova with sp2 (bleeding will be your major source of damage using aegon in this fight, nova can't reduce that damage) 6 revives spent
Path 2-2 = 50 revives (Aegon, Shuri 7* r3 {yes i took that godness to r3}, Proxima, Heindall, Wiccan)
Hard fights: Tigra = Omg kabam that fight really pissed me off, tigra holding sp1 as much as it can and only throwing when you're corned, advice? All-in with aegon, get to your sp3 and do as much damage as you can, there's probably a better way or option to do that fight, i just didn't figure it out yet, i really hate fighting tigra and i spent 13 revives....worth mentioning that my tip about not using Aegon for Airwalker is really crucial in this path, i didn't have a better option yet so i spent 9 revives but that will take a turn in a minute
Path 3-3 = 45 revives (Aegon, Shuri, Kate Bishop 6* r5 ascended, Wiccan, Proxima)
Hard fights: America Chavez = if y'all think that chavez throws random heavy attacks in normal fights, that will increase a lot here, seriously kabam what a disgusting AI -.- she was throwing heavy like a mile away from me all the time and my guard was open, 4 revives spent, advice? IF you have shuri and knows how to play with her, she'll be a great option since you can bait chavez's sp2 and just phase :) but if you don't have shuri, aegon doing all-in is the way to go (and remember to NOT end your combo with medium until you have 150 hits on your combo
Silver Surfer = It was a hard fight for me because i used only kate and shuri during the path so far and had to ramp up aegon from scratch and it's not an easy fight to do that, advice? Abs man makes this fight a joke, but you can use aegon with a few revives if he's already ramped up, 10 revives spent
Storm = It's just an annoying fight, nothing special but you might spend a few revives because of the timer, keep her on sp1 and make sure to take a hit before you use your sp2, just like Nova bleeding will be your major source of damage with Aegon, 7 revives spent
Path 6-4 = 95 revives (Aegon, Shuri, Kate, Wiccan, Proxima)
Hard fights: Black Widow = Without a reverse control immune this fight is hell even using aegon, if you're using aegon then make sure to do as much all-in as you can and careful with the reverse control because BW will have a lot of power so the first time she'll throw a special, your control will be normal but she'll gain 2 bars of power and then your control will be reverse, 11 revives spent
Shang chi = Kabam what the hell? In the last phase you lose 15% of health if you do almost anything in that fight, lazy node and one to make you spent a lot of potions, advice? Read the nodes carefully and do shang-chi's combos (except the stun) and remember to heal up for that fight, All-in does not work in this fight cause you'll die hitting shang, it's a fight to be patient, which i wasn't and that fight pissed me off so much that interfered on the rest of the path, i should've take a time off and finish later so that way i wouldn't spent so much revives on the other fights, 9 revives spent
Silver Centurion = If you don't have a power control champion, all-in with aegon is the way to go, just make sure he'll throw special at least 1 time in the beginning of the fight so you can go to your sp3, 5 revives spent but tina 99 solo this fight
Stryfe = Annoying as hell, tried to do with shuri but it's almost impossible to keep the shock active, aegon will work here but all-in doesn't work cause eventually stryfe will be phasing so be patient and do as much damage as you can, 11 revives
Galan = By far my most difficult fight since my only counter was a wiccan 6* r3, aegon does work with all-in but you will spend a lot since even if you do a tiny mistake galan will throw sp1 and insta kill you, 13 revives spent, advice? Wong or Wiccan that's at least r5 or r4 ascended
Path 5-5 = 58 revives (Aegon, Kate, Chavez, Proxima, Heindall)
Kraven and Elsa Nothing special, kraven you can do all-in and get throught it but be careful with the traps, 5 revives and elsa you just need to parry her sp1, but also be aware of the node that makes her specials unblockable, you need to dash back and hold block to remove her unblockable, if you try to dex her sp1 then you'll lose a % of your health, 5 revives and all-in doesn't work with aegon cause elsa can only be stunned for 2,6 seconds so it's not worth it to do all-in, just be patient
OBS: i made the mistake of not bringing wiccan for this path and only realized that when i was fighting knull, spent 14 revives on the grandmaster and 2 of them was team revives, i used every single sinergy champion to practise the reverse control on the last phase, please guys don't do this mistake lol it's the most difficult thing i ever faced in this game
Path 6-4 = 60 revives (Aegon, Kate, Shuri, Proxima, Heindall)
Future Ant-man = Nothing really special, he's just annoying as he always is, 8 revives spent with Aegon and make sure to intercept him to remove his armors, yes you'll be power locked but the global node makes you lose power anyway and you can't throw sp2 cause not only the bleed won't last, but ant-man will heal, all-in doesn't work so be patient and take advantage of taking hit and do as much damage as you can
Kitty = I really tried to do with shuri but turns out it's not worth it, horrible fight to keep the shocks active so at the end i just did as much damage as i could with aegon, 6 revives spent, advice? be really careful with her last phase cause she'll gain plenty of power, guillotine 99 can solo this fight
Final Expense: 367 revives and tons of potions
So that's it guys :) hope you guys enjoyed this post, it took me a lot of effort to do it in order to remember some aspects of previous fights since i only wrote it down the revives for each fight, if you guys have any questions about the easy fights and solos, just ask me and i'll be happy to help :smiley:


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,965 ★★★★★
    Way to go!
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    Clyneva said:

    Shang chi = Kabam what the hell? In the last phase you lose 15% of health if you do almost anything in that fight, lazy node and one to make you spent a lot of potions, advice? Read the nodes carefully and do shang-chi's combos (except the stun) and remember to heal up for that fight, All-in does not work in this fight cause you'll die hitting shang, it's a fight to be patient, which i wasn't and that fight pissed me off so much that interfered on the rest of the path, i should've take a time off and finish later so that way i wouldn't spent so much revives on the other fights, 9 revives spent

    This took me a few revives to figure out, so for people wondering about this: It's because Aegon's 2nd medium is a double hit, and for some reason counts as doing Shang chi's MM combo all by itself for the node. So if you do MLLM, it triggers both the unblockable (MLLM) and the slow (MM) at the same time in a single combo. And then if you ever end with a second medium again, it keeps thinking you're repeating the MM, which causes you to take 15% damage in the later phases.

    I found the solution to this was to just brute force with MLLLL combos which doesn't trigger the mechanic.
    That's a weird interaction haha that fight made me so mad cause i was like ''bro i'm doing every single thing the node is asking me and i'm still losing health'' wish i knew about this interaction sooner xD i'll sure share this with the members of my alliance that's still on the run for the 100%
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    Thanks and congrats
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,472 ★★★★★
  • BadahBadah Member Posts: 323 ★★
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,136 ★★★★★
    Am i missing something or is it easier to combine the odin path with stryfe/galan as opposed to running the full path along its intended course (odin and mantis)?

    Seen quite a few runs like this
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Am i missing something or is it easier to combine the odin path with stryfe/galan as opposed to running the full path along its intended course (odin and mantis)?

    Seen quite a few runs like this

    I wouldn't say it's easier, as a matter of fact i think it's the 2 hardest paths in the map, my intention doing this was to try to fit my team (aegon shuri and kate) better, i was like ''ok so aegon in the beggining, kate for sp 99, shuri for stryfe'' and etc, didn't work as i planned but yeah xD i was just trying to fit my team better, at first i thought i was obliged to bring a heal reverse for diablo so i was like ''i'll leave this path for last'' but shuri ended up doing in 4 revives, was supposed to be 3 but i played really bad =/
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