6* Generic AG advice needed (please):

Have a few 6* generic AGs available, not looking to use all of them right now, but would like to use one with the +200 sig stone on the champ that most needs it.

I'm leaning towards Future Ant Man - he's been impressing me. I like how he plays, like the damage, and have read that his sig ability improves his defense value.
Also looking at:
Scorpion - he's fun. But I do have a science gem. And am unsure if he needs the +200 to be worth the AG.
CAIW - know he's solid and needs high sig, but have him as a 5*. And again, have a science gem. This doesn't seem like the best use.
Omega Red - except I don't run suicides. I toy with it, but it hasn't happened yet.
Alliance is casual with AW and AQ, looking to get back to story progression to wrap up Thronebreaker (have part of 6.3 and 6.4 to finish). Thank you for your advice!

I'm leaning towards Future Ant Man - he's been impressing me. I like how he plays, like the damage, and have read that his sig ability improves his defense value.
Also looking at:
Scorpion - he's fun. But I do have a science gem. And am unsure if he needs the +200 to be worth the AG.
CAIW - know he's solid and needs high sig, but have him as a 5*. And again, have a science gem. This doesn't seem like the best use.
Omega Red - except I don't run suicides. I toy with it, but it hasn't happened yet.
Alliance is casual with AW and AQ, looking to get back to story progression to wrap up Thronebreaker (have part of 6.3 and 6.4 to finish). Thank you for your advice!
In bgs when I rarely use him on attack, If i get struck while intercepting I won't even react, I let the opponent complete his combo, get stunned, and I'll throw in my attack. Lol.
Also he doesn't need high sig anyways just sig 1 and he's too good already