Kabam?? Seriously what's going on with AI? What !!

PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,607 ★★★★★
edited January 2024 in General Discussion
Why is AI doing that block hold, no hold, block again, no hold, block again 10 times in 1 seconds?

Why is AI NEVER throwing sp-1,2 but will IMMEDIATELY, the moment it reach RED will throw sp3 without thinking? Especially in war and BG, AI there have kink to hold specials till eternity.

I've also noticed that, espically after that December update, AI began to hold block in corner, making the player dash forward and then counter with light attack? Hello? Before we couldn't dash in when AI had special ready which is ok but now we can't even dash in because there's always risk that AI will counter it with light attack? There's some video from either MSD or Bero man that AI literally light countered him 3 times in a row, that's correct, 3 times in a row, player had unstoppable so it did not matter much but think about it 3 times in a row AI countered the move of player, what?

And don't get me started on this, I'll just let this meme do the talking.

Seriously you guys need to look at what AI is upto because that last AI update did nothing.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★
    edited January 2024
    PT_99 said:

    I'm not even using my left hand to parry,dex when fighting Chavez but still that woman spamming heavy like nothing,

    I remember Jax saying that AI rolls the dice and comes with best action to do,

    Is the best action for Chavez, Mysterio to spam heavy attack in row?
    Is best action to light intercept players 3 times in row?
    Is best action to hold specials to throw sp-3?
    Come on.

    Ok idk why you people can't seem to understand this but there's literally champ specific AI in place for a few champs, yes AI rolls a dice but there's different ones for some specific champs like
    Mysterio, chavez , mordo, Heimdal , Night crawler, Fury, G2099 and a few others. They are simply programmed to have a higher chance to perform a specific action, like throwing heavies, dropping block, special into block, acting passive.

    Yeah there's definitely a problem with the AI and it's doing some weird stuff still, I have experienced it first hand in BGs but if your argument is about why some champs act in a certain way it's because it is a component of their kit , it's to make them more annoying defenders,
    I really am not trying to be rude here but how hard is it to wrap your head around that
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,607 ★★★★★
    Good to see no-one has counter for "getting light intercepted 3 times a row"
    Surely that'll make Kabam take a look in AI behaviour.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,108 ★★★★★
    I have another good one. You might successfully parry at the start of the fight about a dozen times, but when it comes to parrying Hulking with your Wiccan, he'll delay his hit by half a second and you will miss the parry and get damage through block from the 5HIT COMBO powered with Pierce and end up losing an obvious win match
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    I'm surprise you would be concern about anything in the game since you are The Paragon. Isn't The Paragon more skillful then the rest of the paragon and that nothing can defeat The Paragon. Seems like that title might have to be removed and past it on to someone else. We should have a poll to see who really deserves the title of "The Paragon".
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 765 ★★★★
    🤣🤣🤣 my guy, how u said everything in one post. Let's talk about ranged specials I prefer specials like iron man beams and stuff that keeps the AI in action champs like valk Sp2 final hit is a ranged attack that is just an object she throws at you so when u dex it she's already recovered and you run straight into combo 😭. I find AI delaying following my intercepts so many times for example if I try to light intercept instead of the AI to follow me it waits till I throw a light and draws me closer then it claps me 🤣. It's funny when I'm playing things like SQ but it hurts when it's AW 😭.
    Also I've noticed don't try the same action 3 times in a row if u intercept and back draft 2 times don't do it the 3rd time because u will absolutely get clapped 🤣. Now let's talk about my baby Chavez. I love her in this current AI because she earns me lots of kills in War and she's my top champ but when I fight her 😭😭😭 tell me why shes throwing heavy from the other side of the screen who do u expect to hit with that 😭 when I miss a parry on mysterio bro just heavies. And also Ai has started special intercepting I've noticed with champs that the first hit is a ranged attack like War machines AI. I also almost got clapped by a Dani in war yesterday, that's right "A DANI" luckily I was using silk who evaded all through the special intercept. AI has definitely changed and it's become more uncooperative especially with champs who rely on specific actions like punishing heavies. Tell me why the AI suddenly becomes defensive when I'm using Dani moonstar 😆. I'm tryna build my neutral arrows first before the prowess then AI hits once and misses then dashes back and holds block till the falter duration is over. It's like the AI knows what we need most and just doesn't do it.
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Arena is almost unplayable too...defensive AI that stands in the corner and blocks, refuses to throw sp before sp3...but try heavy attack, then they throw it in your face...🤦🏻‍♂️
    I also see that now if you try to intercept, then they dex and straight to attack...wtf 🤷🏻‍♂️

    And what's up with the «Bishop flood» of defenders?!? Almost impossible to play 3vs3 without Bishop not in it, and he never appears before the fight...some defenders require specific attackers, maybe we shouldn't flood the arena with those defenders?!?

    ….instead of choosing to start over and work up new x3…I just don't bother playing anymore…and I refuse to believe I'm the only one…and yes, I have 250k+ pvp fights, I'm maybe a mediocre paragon with a 4.3 million account, but I know a little about the arena...fix it, please (!!!)

    We are Groot 🌲
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,239 ★★★★★
    Is this keeping you away from becoming THE valiant?... Dang
  • FigueFigue Member Posts: 83
    The AI knows your inputs haha, thats why he plays better sometimes :smiley: annoying but it is what it is, be careful on your moves
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    Chavez easily top 3 worst to fight cause of her A.I
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    Some champs' AI are different than others. Killmonger and Venompool will try to intercept you a lot. Chavez and Kindred as well as Heimdall will throw a lot of heavies.
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