AW Buffet Node

“Every 7 Seconds the next buff triggered by the Attacker is immediately removed. Each time this effect triggers the regenerate 5% of their Max Health.” Also there’s another buff on this node that Healing & Regeneration heals 200% more health but it’s NOT working as it should, it should be BASE health not after increased AW stats! I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about this! They shouldn’t be recovering 15-20k health each time you evade inbetween the 7 seconds!(Dexterity shouldn’t cause this or MD or Dorm’s degen ability but that’s another story) Please fix this Kabam, it’s a money grab buff & prove us wrong that you’re not greedy & fix this ASAP! Not months & months of us dealing with it
Kabam doesn’t ever admit they’re wrong especially when it’s making their customers pay out, it’s not even hard it’s just annoying AF. My r4 IF or SL destroys this node but it’s annoying if you bring in a champ that gets beneficial effects. There’s no way it’s right this way, they contradict themselves constantly, how many times have they said it’s supposed to be “Base Health” when this clearly isn’t base health