The collector is my nightmare!

Guys I've been trying to beat the collector for a while now, tried multiple ways but he seems to kill me each and every time. just because I was challenged, I started pouring cash into the game lol
Can you take a look at my line up and tell me what should I focus on? (against the collector and in general)

Can you take a look at my line up and tell me what should I focus on? (against the collector and in general)

Most of us beat collector with maxed 4*s, so you should be pretty good with those 6*s you have.
If this is the case, my recommendation is to not spend to get past him. What you're experiencing is the *beginning* of how the game shifts to more skill-based and roster-check based nodes beyond the Collector, and especially from Act 6 upward. You have to be able to build up the skills necessary to handle these kinds of fights, because they start to become the norm, not the exception.
One skill that people don't talk about a lot, because it isn't a skill like parrying or intercepting, is information management. You need to be able to pay attention to the fight and simultaneously keep track of things like Bane counters. And while some people can just do this automatically, most people need to learn shortcuts to lower the mental workload. For example, if you are fighting in a fight with Bane, you need to know how to transfer it correctly. When you are attacking during a combo you have full control of the fight most of the time, if the Bane timer expires while you are in the middle of a combo, you'll transfer it almost immediately on your next hit. So how do you time things so that you are in the middle of a combo?
You watch the timer, you get a feel for how fast it is moving, and you recognize where on the clock face the timer has to be so that if you attack at that moment the timer will expire during the few seconds you're delivering a combo. What tends to happen to newer players is they just attack and hope they get the timing right, and instead they start their combo too early, finish before the timer expires, and then it expires while the Grandmaster is attacking, or just standing there holding block.
At the start of the timer you can do whatever you want because it is early. But as it gets closer to expiration, you have to start pacing yourself. Don't do full combos. Hit him a couple times and back off, and get ready to jump in when the time is right.
Maybe that's not your problem, maybe it is some other. But if that sort of thing is your problem, you need to start learning how to learn how to fight these kinds of fights. Study youtube videos. Practice timing on other easier fights. Build up the skill set, so you can use it later. You will need it.