I’m not the guy in the red suit side quest rewards

Bigramrod69Bigramrod69 Member Posts: 60
Hello. I am Cavalier, and am playing on threat level 5, but the best rewards are locked. Why am I locked out of the best rewards, yet I’m not locked out of the highest difficulty (threat level 5)


  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 6,916 ★★★★★
    Because you are Cavalier, and the top rewards are for Paragon and Valiant
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 650 ★★★
    the selector is locked at your progression level. for Cav, anything completed beyond threat level three is only gonna get you practice and experience not the TB or Par level rewards unfortunately.
    thus the "suffering builds character"...
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