Guys ngl I'm low-key annoyed. I clicked on now what is his last post earlier and told myself to read it later. Later, I then went back on it and started reading but then reloaded to get an updated version. I was then told it no longer exists but redfires forums account also no longer exists
Guys ngl I'm low-key annoyed. I clicked on now what is his last post earlier and told myself to read it later. Later, I then went back on it and started reading but then reloaded to get an updated version. I was then told it no longer exists but redfires forums account also no longer exists
If you want entertainment, there's always Charliejiggens posts...
Guys ngl I'm low-key annoyed. I clicked on now what is his last post earlier and told myself to read it later. Later, I then went back on it and started reading but then reloaded to get an updated version. I was then told it no longer exists but redfires forums account also no longer exists
You didn't miss much. He was basically ranting about how if you use a womans credit card on the summoners market you get a 30% discount or something because of society? If it wasn't exactly this it was definitely more ridiculous than I'm making it sound
About 7 profiles...
Better one was level 57 with Nick Fury about 7k P.I.
Let’s go, no more competition by the way welcome to disagree with this comment I will beat kabam miike
Edit: I have no clue how to enlarge the gif or why it’s tiny as heck.