I need help for my 6 star awakening gems

Hi everybody! I got a 6 star cosmic awakening gem and a generic one. Do I use my cosmic gem on Hulkling, CGR, Angela or Hyperion? or maybe wait if I get Hercules one day? And for the generic one, do I use it on Kitty Pride, Photon or Future Antman or should I wait for other champs? What would you do?

On the generic, I don’t have enough experience with Photon or Fantman to make an informed decision, but I will say it’s nice for Kitty.
As for waiting for Hercules, you have no idea when (or if) you’ll get him, so letting a resource sit because of who you might pull in the future is wasteful. 6* AG are becoming more common, so use it now and if you get Herc down the road, you’ll probably have another one by then.