Can a mod make this happen??

Just did a match in BGs, and I had the victory in the bag, and at the conclusion of the last fight, this happened:

Could just be bad luck, but this was a matchup on Vibranium 3, and my opponent used Apocalypse as an attacker against Korg in the very first match.
He lost the match, but I feel like anyone who made it V3 legitimately would know that Apocalypse can't gain power against Korg in this meta, so it's gonna be a loss. And it's not like it was his only option. He had other choices that would have given him a fighting chance.
So yeah, it could just be bad luck I suppose, but the fact that he made such a bone-head attacker choice in the first match, then I get an unknown error that ruined ruined the overall victory has me legitimately wondering if this is some new kind of mod.

Could just be bad luck, but this was a matchup on Vibranium 3, and my opponent used Apocalypse as an attacker against Korg in the very first match.
He lost the match, but I feel like anyone who made it V3 legitimately would know that Apocalypse can't gain power against Korg in this meta, so it's gonna be a loss. And it's not like it was his only option. He had other choices that would have given him a fighting chance.
So yeah, it could just be bad luck I suppose, but the fact that he made such a bone-head attacker choice in the first match, then I get an unknown error that ruined ruined the overall victory has me legitimately wondering if this is some new kind of mod.
As far as I am aware the only way an opponent could crash you in BG is in the one specific instance where there's a known bug that will crash anyone when they fight a particular champion, and they place that champion on defense. That's the only way they can affect you directly - by placing a defender you have to fight. But they can't change the characteristics of that defender in any way from what the servers think the defender should be.