Let's keep it real guys

ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,202 ★★★★★
Okay guys if we are being real here, i farmed hundreds of revives for FREE and was able to complete their new Everest content which is supposed to be the pinnacle of the game, in a couple weeks. The only reason i spent any units at all on necropolis was to rush exploration for a calendar reset.

Kabam doesn't want their new pinnacle content to be explored extremely quickly by us just throwing revives at that. It's meant to be worked and built to over a long period of time. They are essentially saying yes by all means go ahead and explore it day 1, week 1, month 1 but if you want to do that you're going to have to pay. Right now we can do that for free. We can just mindlessly throw the content they've worked so hard for in the garbage because we can just freely spam revives on it instead of actually playing it as intended, and that's what I think they mean by this jeopardizing future endgame content. They don't want to do it if we can all just do that at any point for free. They're keeping the option to disgreagrd what they worked so hard to create only if you are willing to pay which i think is pretty fair.

The only reason we all feel like we have to revive farm for necropolis specifically (not the other bs challenges) is because our monke brain sees the rewards and wants them NOW

It still sucks though because I love my precious units lol


  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★★
    edited January 2024
    ahmynuts said:

    Since y'all are gonna come at me with an angry mob anyways i might as well provide you with the pitchforks

    Actually...I might just agree with you a little bit cause I saw people just mindlessly ram thru the fights with aegon not even reading the nodes on a few fights because they had like 500+ revives farmed. YES THEY SPENT TIME AND QUEST ENERGY ON IT but that's still an absurd number nonetheless
    Although they didn't have to absolutely demolish the revive farming thing they could have just decreased the drop rate to something miniscule making it much much more difficult and time consuming so most players either won't be able to farm an insane number revives or just give up on it altogether.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,462 ★★★★★
    Siliyo said:

    If we’re really keeping it real, Necropolis has been “successful” in the eyes of Kabam for different reasons:

    1) Road to the Crypt, not only do you get good rewards for single completion but you also get rewards for completing it a single time.

    2) I could be wrong, but in Abyss you needed certain champions which not many people had at the time (the original 4 Horsemen: Aegon, Human Torch, Nick Fury, Dr. Doom). For Necropolis, as long as you have Shuri, Kate, and Aegon - you’re set. Aegon has been out the longest, so it would be reasonable to say people would have him over Kate/Shuri (however, with featured crystals people may have Kate/Shuri instead of Aegon)

    3) I believe people revive farm because of what feels like BS mechanics due to poor AI. If the AI behaved more appropriately, then some fights wouldn’t seem as scary but that’s not the case.

    I don’t think people revive farm because they want rewards now, because finishing a whole path in Necropolis can take a few hours. I think people revive farm to make sure they have enough resources to finish the path as opposed to being 3/4 of the way through and having to quit, thus wasting time and resources.

    My last nerc run take me 1huers .and 30 minutes
  • KingSkeletorKingSkeletor Member Posts: 118
    Yes you're right, we want the rewards now but what you're forgetting is that most of us don't want to spend thousands of units for a Necropolis run so we were farming revs (I did Necropolis in 60 revives with Aegon btw which would have cost me 40 X 60 = 2400 units for the easy path) and we certainly don't want to wait a few more years to do it with OP characters (7* R6 ascended Herc/Aegon/Kate/Onslaught...) because the rewards won't be meta anymore (it is the case with Abyss nowadays).

    I agree that Endgame contents shouldn't be completed/explored so easily by most of the players and that is why Carina's Challenges exist : The Volume 4 of these challenges will 100% have "Do Necropolis with only Avenegers tagged champions" type of challenge and the rewards will be amazing. The R5 crystal gem in Carina's Vol 3 completiton was meta defining at that time but now everyone can get R5 champions... so keep in mind that if f2p players (like me) want to catch up with spending players, that are getting so much value from Cyberweekend and July 4th deals, we have to complete those challenging contents that are supposed to test out your skills, not your bank account.

    This being said, what are you suggesting ?
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,512 ★★★★★
    Gamer said:

    Siliyo said:

    If we’re really keeping it real, Necropolis has been “successful” in the eyes of Kabam for different reasons:

    1) Road to the Crypt, not only do you get good rewards for single completion but you also get rewards for completing it a single time.

    2) I could be wrong, but in Abyss you needed certain champions which not many people had at the time (the original 4 Horsemen: Aegon, Human Torch, Nick Fury, Dr. Doom). For Necropolis, as long as you have Shuri, Kate, and Aegon - you’re set. Aegon has been out the longest, so it would be reasonable to say people would have him over Kate/Shuri (however, with featured crystals people may have Kate/Shuri instead of Aegon)

    3) I believe people revive farm because of what feels like BS mechanics due to poor AI. If the AI behaved more appropriately, then some fights wouldn’t seem as scary but that’s not the case.

    I don’t think people revive farm because they want rewards now, because finishing a whole path in Necropolis can take a few hours. I think people revive farm to make sure they have enough resources to finish the path as opposed to being 3/4 of the way through and having to quit, thus wasting time and resources.

    My last nerc run take me 1huers .and 30 minutes
    And some people take 2-4 hours, I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,690 ★★★★★
    Siliyo said:

    3) I believe people revive farm because of what feels like BS mechanics due to poor AI. If the AI behaved more appropriately, then some fights wouldn’t seem as scary but that’s not the case.

    I don’t think people revive farm because they want rewards now, because finishing a whole path in Necropolis can take a few hours. I think people revive farm to make sure they have enough resources to finish the path as opposed to being 3/4 of the way through and having to quit, thus wasting time and resources.

    The choice to revive farm is 100% “I would rather spend time farming than units on revives.” And of course you would, that’s the easy and logical decision because units are an extremely versatile and powerful currency in this game, whereas energy is something most endgame players have in abundance. And time isn’t even a consideration when you can autoplay the content while doing other things.

    As far as “BS mechanics due to poor AI,” I don’t know what you’re referring to. I’ve explored Necropolis and never once felt like I was losing due to anything unfair. Yeah, sometimes I had to bait specials for longer than I’d like, but that’s not so large of a problem that I need to torch the game economy over it. Most players, myself included, weren’t even bothering to bring in an optimized team for each path. Just brute forcing it with Aegon and farmed revives. Without revive farms I would bet money that way more people would’ve learned how to more optimally tackle each fight and path before going in.

    Finally, Necropolis’s timer mechanic is, honestly, by far the best we’ve seen. I regularly had fights continue on right into that final enrage state because it was entirely possible to play around. If we were talking about Abyss or Labyrinth I’d get your point, but we’re not.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,512 ★★★★★

    Siliyo said:

    I don’t think people revive farm because they want rewards now, because finishing a whole path in Necropolis can take a few hours. I think people revive farm to make sure they have enough resources to finish the path as opposed to being 3/4 of the way through and having to quit, thus wasting time and resources.

    It’s insane that people would rather quit 3/4 of the way through Necropolis only to do it all over again when their free revives run out than spend their banked units on some additional revives to get through it.
    You completely missed the point I’m making. There were some people who came into Necropolis with little units because of their revive stash. I’m sure these people wouldn’t have entered Necro with low amount of units unless they knew their stash was covering them.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,772 ★★★★★
    The stuff that angers me most is you took advantage of revive farm fully but I wouldn't be able to. 😔

    But in all other aspects you're right.
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  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,069 ★★★★★

    The stuff that angers me most is you took advantage of revive farm fully but I wouldn't be able to. 😔

    But in all other aspects you're right.

    Why weren’t you able to?
  • HeattblasttHeattblastt Member Posts: 254 ★★
    When one compares abyss to necropolis it definitely seems kabam are moving forward towards the content which can still be done with right champs and skill with minimal revives. So I am not happy with this nerf but neither mad about it.
    One thing also to be noted is what will be done with that extra quest energy now.Like we should be able to dump that energy somewhere meaningfully. Moreover what do u do with energy refills from 4hr crystalls and in case if u want to buy eq completion deal what will one do with those 10 energy refills.And no battlegrounds is not the solution coz u need to spend about 50 min there to get rid of 70 energy.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,202 ★★★★★

    When one compares abyss to necropolis it definitely seems kabam are moving forward towards the content which can still be done with right champs and skill with minimal revives. So I am not happy with this nerf but neither mad about it.
    One thing also to be noted is what will be done with that extra quest energy now.Like we should be able to dump that energy somewhere meaningfully. Moreover what do u do with energy refills from 4hr crystalls and in case if u want to buy eq completion deal what will one do with those 10 energy refills.And no battlegrounds is not the solution coz u need to spend about 50 min there to get rid of 70 energy.

    Miike mentioned in another thread that he would pass along the idea of lowering the % chance that energy refills drop from the 4hr crystals to the team. I'm hoping something comes of that
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,690 ★★★★★

    When one compares abyss to necropolis it definitely seems kabam are moving forward towards the content which can still be done with right champs and skill with minimal revives. So I am not happy with this nerf but neither mad about it.
    One thing also to be noted is what will be done with that extra quest energy now.Like we should be able to dump that energy somewhere meaningfully. Moreover what do u do with energy refills from 4hr crystalls and in case if u want to buy eq completion deal what will one do with those 10 energy refills.And no battlegrounds is not the solution coz u need to spend about 50 min there to get rid of 70 energy.

    I think this is a valid question. Right now the best places to burn that excess energy would be lower difficulty EQ explorations (for units and iso) and Battlegrounds. It’s not perfect, but it’s probably the best options available.
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