Best Options For The Deathless King Groot Piece?

I'm sure someone has already no-lifed the living hell out of the TB EQ and Paragon Gauntlet lol so, does anyone know the best options?
So far I've only done the first quest, Masacre solos that Luke Cage easily but I haven't done the rest and my only two other r3 and r4 options are Abs Man and Weapon X can I do it with these three?
I have Hit-Monkey and Domino as well but they aren't ranked up, would they be better options?
So far I've only done the first quest, Masacre solos that Luke Cage easily but I haven't done the rest and my only two other r3 and r4 options are Abs Man and Weapon X can I do it with these three?
I have Hit-Monkey and Domino as well but they aren't ranked up, would they be better options?
Edit: also to add my mercs aint r4 so i had to do it with r3s didnt have even a 7 merc aka domino
Cage: Domino,
Hood: Domino
Daredevil: Domino
Negative: Hit Monkey
White Tiger: Nebula, Hit Monkey
Bullseyes: Domino [parry heavy, fire sp1] I did heal up before the fight
he can do luke cage, ddhk, mr. negative, white tiger easily
(i used abs man for white tiger even in tb eq exploration)
domino can do bullseye
they can handle hood as well
just take nebula or hit monkey or bwdo or xbones for third spot
Luke Cage, DareDevil, White Tiger were one shots with HM and Gwen got the Hood. Black Widow and Gwen died on Mr Negative and need HM to finish him off. I used HM for Bullseye too but it took a couple of revives.
Goes in with R5 Ascended Abs-Man…
Personally, I’m screwed, my Roster isn’t necessarily stacked with #Mercenary champs… 5* Domino will have to do some heavy lifting! Any tips are appreciated…
(Sorry for double-posting)
My Masacre isn't even high rank btw, r3.
No revives, no health needed