Who would you Ascend?
Which of these champs would you ascend first? All 6* champs and those that need to be awakened are or can be. If you’d rank them in order, that too would be appreciated and helpful!
I have already ascended Herc, Kate and Doom. I can ascend 2 night now.
I have already ascended Herc, Kate and Doom. I can ascend 2 night now.
Who would you Ascend? 87 votes
I'm going to use generic 2-3 gem on venom over others cuz, he is venom ❤️.
I ascended my R4 Odin, because he's my favourite champ in the game.
I have all the bangers, so could it have gone to somebody better? Absolutely.
Did I care? Not at all.
If Wolverine is your favourite champion, I would say ascend wolverine!
I ascended Kingpin already and doing Nimrod next. They will come as 7*s very late and it will take even longer to sig 200 a Nimrod. Same with Kingpin, that sig 55 is going to take a while. Both benefit so much from the sigs snd are already some of the best champs in the game.
I also recently pulled 6* SW though I haven’t had a chance to rank her up (I’m seriously low on rank up materials and iso right now). She’s just always so fun to use.