Which Mercenary should I rank up for the Paragon Gauntlet?

Hi there,
So the question is: are me top 3 Mercenaries good for the job or should I rank up Domino, Nebula & Crossbones?

So the question is: are me top 3 Mercenaries good for the job or should I rank up Domino, Nebula & Crossbones?

Sorry to jump in on the discussion with my roster. Just want to see if I should ascend 5* Abs Man / Domino as the third person for the objective run. Weapon X is rank 4 and His Monkey and BWDO are both rank 3.
I only have 5 more quests to go before 100% MEQ but barely have ranked up any Mercenary thus far.
I can rank 4 someone but rather save my rank up mats in 7* now but can ascend them if needed (5* or 6*).
Thanks for your help guys.
I did it with R4 Yondu, 7R1 Domino and 5/65 Weapon X…