Why limit the BGs metas with the stupid tags?

Why can't we just have attacker buffs broadly apply, even (or especially) if they are niche like the current ones? In VT half the offensive DOT champs don't even function because of polkadot power, and basically every incinerate and poison champ I have in GC randomly can't utilise the buff for no reason. AA/Tigra/Torch are stronger than ever, meanwhile the lines between Offensive Burst and DOT are massively blurred: in what world are Rintrah and Warlock offensive DOT champs but Longshot, Bishop and Spot aren't?
But like I said, I've made GC this season, and you've missed the point entirely
Wow you discovered how a node works...
I guess Joe Fix it is out too omg . What a discovery...
That's the whole point of the node ..
Dang god forbid someone uses an immune defender, that would make it unplayable!!
Joey is different in that he doesn't have exclusive access to a buff in a meta he doesn't function in.
Joe doesnt have access to a dot without specials...
Such a big deal...
Having to compose a deck based on 2 nodes is hard 😔
>Complains when I give the top 3 staple nukes since the start of BGs.
Sure, Kate exists now, but she didn't a year ago when BGs was released. All of KT1's top 5 attackers from his year old tier list work in VT meta, and only 2 of his top 10 are unusable.
Also, nobody here is complaining besides you lol your whole post is full copium.
And you made the post about VT and the tags and then GC.... Not me I am perfectly fine with it..
I can see the heavy load of having to compose a deck for both VT and GC with that mentality you got... You know being you are not a scrub and all 🤣
Here have a cookie 🍪
Sorry if I can't get your point, its hard to decipher behind all the whinning and all.
I'm up for a BGs friendly if you want to prove it's a skill issue though.
Its a whinning issue..
You were the one crying about VT and the Polka dot and then GC without the polka dot..
You make a lot of assumptions, call people scrubs lol. Meanwhile you are the one bothered by the interaction of 2 nodes...
Hmmm yeah have a cookie dude 🍪
Polkadot was just an offhand comment about how a bunch of the tagged champs are still unusable in VT, the main point is that a bunch of DOT champs are just arbitrarily worse than others because a bunch of champs (some with virtually 0 actual DOTs; Void only gets them 50% of the time from his SP2 stings and that's his only source) have been decreed the only DOT champs
It wouldn't be an issue if champs were properly tagged; why do there exist champion not tagged as DOT that would be markedly better if their DOT effects were improved?
I do not see why this is a problem. You specifically mentioned three champions who, in your opinion, gain an outsized benefit from this node. Luckily, you are afforded three bans which you could use to remove them from the playing field. For example, I leave Archangel out of my deck and ban him whenever I see him.
The node encourages the use of certain champions to take most advantage of it. That’s what metas do. You can choose to rank champions who benefit from it to increase their damage output, potentially earning you more points, or you can ignore it completely. If it applied to all attacking champs, it would serve no purpose.
I have no issue with how good AA, Tigra and Torch are. The last minute GC node change kneecapped Tigra, and the other 2 aren't really oppressive. They were just some examples of top tier, evergreen nukes that fit (or were supposed to fit) the meta super well to try to head off some of the excuses that it's for balance or diversity or what have you.
You say it wouldn't matter if it applied to all champs, but that's where you're wrong; Hulking gets nothing out of stronger DOTs, Kingpin doesn't care, and The Hood's damage with and without is virtually indistinguishable in a BGs context. Only champions with strong DOT effects (the ones that should absolutely be tagged as DOT champs) would be affected. Why artificially limit the meta with loosely defined tags that had no relevance when they were designed, and seldom accurately describe how a champ is played?