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Sandbox nodes in practice modes

Look at this guy. He's had enough.

I think most of us like to take our new (or recently buffed) champions to RoL for a test run here and there.

I also think that some of us look for opportunities to practice fighting new defenders using 'duel targets' (when we can find them).

The problem, of course, is that RoL is pretty vanilla, duel targets have low health, and sometimes it's hard getting the fight experience that you're looking for without slogging through a bunch of other fights (if at all).

Proposed solution: the ability to toggle buffs/nodes in practice fights. If nothing else, being able to apply a +1000% health node to a practice opponent from your own roster would be really useful, though I'd really appreciate being able to practice dealing with challenging node / champion combinations as well.

I think that it would be fun, potentially allow for some very entertaining content for creators, and help players improve on their skills.

I'd love it if it was a free feature, but I guess it's be worth 5 units to a get a quick run at a custom fight.


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