Late to the party, but I’m getting parried with Werewolf by Night tagging opponents blocks in BGs. Since part of his kit is rupturing through block, that’s problematic.
Is this the issue with AI reparry or something different entirely?
@DrZola I have definitely had this happen multiple times and thought it was just me but it’s super frustrating when it happens.
Happens nearly every time with Werewolf double medium in BGs.
So strikers don’t work reliably, defender can reparry blocked hits, game inputs routinely fail…why have the game mechanics gone backwards since the Unity engine meltdown a year or so ago?
@DrZola I think the AI was messed with even before that because they were trying to raise the difficulty when 7* came into the game and it got out of control and parts of it were intentionally done. Yeah we had parry issues for a long time and other smaller AI issues but since then it’s gotten absolutely crazy.
Is this the issue with AI reparry or something different entirely?
Dr. Zola
So strikers don’t work reliably, defender can reparry blocked hits, game inputs routinely fail…why have the game mechanics gone backwards since the Unity engine meltdown a year or so ago?
Dr. Zola