vox or venom

7abo2a7abo2a Member Posts: 54
hi guys, i got both 7 star venom and vox and 2 to 3 cosmic gem, i enjoy both champs and used them alot, but id like to know different opinions and why u would rank one of them rather than just u like the champ :smiley:

vox or venom 66 votes

BigPoppaCBONEbryce7mLiquidkoldTJ107Justcause102Stantonajcphillips7JJBoy19MCOCHazzaShock29N1nj4SkillzZ6HAVOC6INC_6Thokk150darkMeliodasThePredator1001GrassKnuckles13579rebel_mbgibsonTribalChiefEdisonLaw 25 votes
Spity68Il_CuocoSIlverProfessorJinxesaxeHenrytfu_41Osfan8Cassyspiderknight616redsoxpatsfan89AmaadAkiraSavageBreaker69skullduggery72_Sham_Luke9523Pandingocaptain_rogersPowerofpain1001RenaxqqGiantwalrus56Yaga 41 votes


  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,190 ★★★★
    My buddy has a r3 vox and hasn't looked back. He's gotten 50k plus ticks from the degen and soloed a couple of necro fights
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,179 ★★★★
    Not even a question imo. Venom destroys annoying spider champs, eats buffs, stacks his own buffs and sticks lil piggies with bleed
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 ★★★
  • Thokk150Thokk150 Member Posts: 107
    If you don't have a venom relic, definetly vox, if you do it becomes slightly more difficult, but I'd still go with vox as he has a little more utility than venom
  • 7abo2a7abo2a Member Posts: 54
    Thokk150 said:

    If you don't have a venom relic, definetly vox, if you do it becomes slightly more difficult, but I'd still go with vox as he has a little more utility than venom

    i got a highly ranked 5* one, yeah it makes a big different man, but i just enjoy both champs , so i asked for other opinions :smiley: , thanks bro
  • Viper198787Viper198787 Member Posts: 601 ★★★★
    I got a cosmic rank up gem too and used it on Vox. He hits all the notes for me. Great damage, awesome aesthetic, great animations, and fantastic utility. He’s been absolutely tearing up battlegrounds and ending fights in under a minute. Maestros, Storm X, FAM, Peni, Guardian. He doesn’t care who’s defending, he’s obliterating annoying defenders.
  • Khellendros138Khellendros138 Member Posts: 606 ★★★
    Wow I guess I need to watch some Vox videos. Yall making him sound amazing. I had no idea!
  • 7abo2a7abo2a Member Posts: 54

    I got a cosmic rank up gem too and used it on Vox. He hits all the notes for me. Great damage, awesome aesthetic, great animations, and fantastic utility. He’s been absolutely tearing up battlegrounds and ending fights in under a minute. Maestros, Storm X, FAM, Peni, Guardian. He doesn’t care who’s defending, he’s obliterating annoying defenders.

    yeah, his only big problem hindering him is being punished when a buff nullified making him a bad defender, and when a specific meta which is very common being around buff control which makes him nearly useless, other than that he is very fun and packs good utility and massive damage
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