1-2 Gem Best Option?

Yes I know the obvious answer for BGs would be Silk, here's the thing though, me and my alliance want to focus on Raids more than anything. Would she still be the best option out of these four? Has anyone used her or the others in Raids already? I'm taking path A btw which means Maestro on third fight which means **** ton of block damage is she still somewhat viable? Cause that's my main concern.
1-2 Gem Best Option? 70 votes
First off, great options! None would be a waste, but I wouldn't necessarily personally take up War Machine because I'm not the biggest fan. But I know those who would. Here are some considerations that may help us to help you to decide:
- Do you run LC/DE (& thus recoil) masteries?
- Do you already have a good team of spider-people or mutants that would synergize well with Silk or Prof X?
- Do you care about Prestige at all?
- Do you have any particular content that is on your to-do list? (Prof X is pretty solid for Necro, Gauntlet, etc)
- Since this is a gem, do you want to prioritize one of the classes that you don't have many catalysts in?
- Do you enjoy playing any of them?
- Do you have any underrepresented classes in your roster?
I would hesitate to take anyone up only for Raids, or just because the Forums say so. Silk could probably do well in them, but that's only AW for one week of the month (oh, and I guess BGs, but she should still be viable at R1). Any time you need someone for utility in BG's, their damage is often not as much of a factor, while a couple of pure damage dealers at high rank can take the less specific fights.2. Yes my roster is already extremely developed which is why I wouldn't mind using the 1-2 gem on a champ specifically for Raids.
3. Don't care about pretige no.
4. I still have to do four paths in Necropolis yeah but I probably wouldn't rank up Prof. X just for that because I already have Kate, Shuri and all the other MVPs.
5. I have 2-3 t6cc for every class other than skill at the moment so not really, any class will do.
6. I enjoy Silk and Prof. X mainly yes.
7. Not really, my roster is already very developed so all my classes are strong.
Might be worth waiting to see if Kabam makes any changes though… it would suck to rank WM up for raids only to see the nodes or the boosts changed in ways that make him less useful
Based on your other answers though, I would definitely narrow it to Silk or Prof, and I don't have enough experience with Silk to predict if she'll continue to be as much of a banger as the hype currently rates her as.