Unable to join AQ/AR?

Hey everyone. Just recently joined a new ally and I haven't been able to join AQ Or Alliance Raids and it is a requirement for my ally. There is a photo for context but it is just blocked out for me and I have been in the alliance for only 3 days now. Feedback is appreciated. 

But still should be able to join normal AQ (1-8 maps) a day after joining an Alliance.
**unless you were ALREADY in RAID in your former alliance (which means, like Wars, you are still locked into that Ally's continuing Raid this whole “week”, which would prevent joining any AQ elsewhere).
I thought (?? emphasize “thought”) I saw someone else follow up earlier (was NOT in ANY alliance before) that they then joined one after 1st day, and was able to get into normal AQ for that alliance (not Raid, just normal AQ, and then got Glory). Was in some other thread.
But here, @DeadTron has not replied back saying what their case was regarding a former ally this week.