You need to be skilled to use Tigra and Kitty, right?

Hi, I did a poll earlier about who to awake. Kitty won and Tigra was 2nd. I don't really use them but I know they benefits the most from awakening so that's why I asked. I thought maybe I sleep on the best in the game. I don't have the best dexterity, my hands sometimes hurts from playing that game. I just tend to hold my block and counter attack. I became better at parade though. My style of play is to spam s1, parade, s1... That's why I love Future Antman, Scorpion or Kingpin (especially Fantman). I can play like that, win hard fights and have fun playing. My favorite is Hulkling. I spam his s2 and it works wonders for me. The most skilled thing I do is with The Hood: s2 and then heavy attack. It melts the opponent. You have to time the heavy which I often miss but Hood is invisible and most of the time the damage I get is low to none.

Youtube videos of Tigra shows people spamming heavy attack to win. I rarely use heavy attack. I have trouble with the timing and I get hit while trying.

For Kitty, if I saw correctly, videos shows also you have to be skilled to use her. I'm french canadian so I don't fully understand when they talk about prowless ramp up and phasing. It just looks like a complicated gameplay, far from me just spamming s1. But that's what I do with my 5 star r5 awakened high sig Kitty, spam s1 and try to melt the opponent. She's an ok champ playing like that but that's not using her to her full potential right?

So with my style of gameplay, is there really use to awake Tigra or Kitty? Is my 6 star Kitty played simple like me worth awakening?

Thanks in advance


  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,618 ★★★★★
    edited January 2024
    If you take them both and just use Kitty then you only need 10% of skill to win. (Kitty gain almost permanent unblockable with Tigra synergy)

    But in that 10% you must know when to do light and medium intercepts.

    But she's also not for everyone, if you master her you can just play however you want and take 0 damage from sp3 even by being almost permanent phased whole game.

    I use Kitty + white mags in war 💯
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,207 ★★★★★
    You're asking the right questions: not just which champion is the best, but which is the best for me?

    Hood is a great champion who requires relatively little skill. A low-skill player will get much further with Hood than Tigra; even though in the hands of a really skilled player, Tigra is a far better champion.

    Speaking for myself as an example, Black Cat is a better champion than Ronin; but needs a lot of Intercepts and Heavy-counters to play well. As someone whose Intercept skills suck, I get more out of Ronin.

    Kitty needs far less skill to play effectively than Tigra does, especially if she's got Tigra on the team for synergy. She also gets the majority of benefits from her Awakening at Sig 1, whereas Tigra really needs her Sig >100 before it starts to achieve anything noticeable.

    I would play the two of them on a team through some quests, and see if you enjoy using Kitty. If you do, go with her. She's amazing. If you don't enjoy playing her, then feel free to move on: find champions that suit you and who are enjoyable to play - this is a game, after all...
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