I‘m in the same boat… I have a generic r2 gem and even a class r3 gem…
And my options are almost the same: PX, Sauron and Stryfe…
I will open a Titan once Onslaught is added and also wait for my next regular 7* Crystal. If I don’t pull either - Onslaught, - Bishop - Domino - Sunspot or - Havok
Then I guess I’ll go with PX, who I quite like… I love that she’s dual threat, has the passive stun, is quite sustainable thanks to her glancing ability and also has an easy playstyle…
I feel this on a deep level. I only have 3 7 star mutants (31 7 stars total, 12 dupes).
I have
duped stryfe Dani (looking great after the buff) Sauron
By far my worst 7 star class. I remember when mutant was the best class... how it has fallen. Getting close to a titan, wait for pool to refresh and try for onslaught.
Wait, according to the Bio, Stryfe is a clone of Cable, not directly cable without the virus… So Stryfe isn’t Josh Brolin, he’s a clone of Josh Brolin…
I‘m in the same boat… I have a generic r2 gem and even a class r3 gem…
And my options are almost the same: PX, Sauron and Stryfe…
I will open a Titan once Onslaught is added and also wait for my next regular 7* Crystal. If I don’t pull either - Onslaught, - Bishop - Domino - Sunspot or - Havok
Then I guess I’ll go with PX, who I quite like… I love that she’s dual threat, has the passive stun, is quite sustainable thanks to her glancing ability and also has an easy playstyle…
But yeah, for now I’d say wait…
Same boat here, not a single good option. It really is tough on those that dont have a Sunspot, Bishop, or Domino ..
Do you have a titan saved for the rotation? If not@ px
You mean me? Yeah, I have exactly 1 titan saved up in hopes for Onslaught../ Even if I pulled Havok, I believe I would go with Storm X. It’s a shame that it’s going to be the third titan in a row with only 2 mutants…
OP, I didn’t wait for the Titan crystal to refresh in ten days with new 7* champions.. I open it today and got a mutant - Havok.. not exactly who I wanted cause he was between Spider-ham and Werewolf by Night.. he isn’t terrible but he is not as useful as he was before (immune to all form of incinerate but plasma not included).
And my options are almost the same: PX, Sauron and Stryfe…
I will open a Titan once Onslaught is added and also wait for my next regular 7* Crystal. If I don’t pull either
- Onslaught,
- Bishop
- Domino
- Sunspot or
- Havok
Then I guess I’ll go with PX, who I quite like… I love that she’s dual threat, has the passive stun, is quite sustainable thanks to her glancing ability and also has an easy playstyle…
But yeah, for now I’d say wait…
Stryfe is Cable without the techno organic virus
I feel this on a deep level. I only have 3 7 star mutants (31 7 stars total, 12 dupes).
I have
duped stryfe
Dani (looking great after the buff)
By far my worst 7 star class. I remember when mutant was the best class... how it has fallen. Getting close to a titan, wait for pool to refresh and try for onslaught.
That invalidates the whole poll!!!!!!11 /s
For reference: My similar poll from around a month ago…
Same boat here, not a single good option. It really is tough on those that dont have a Sunspot, Bishop, or Domino ..
I have just opened another 7*, again no mutant… I have a strong feeling, it’s going to be R3 Storm X for me… 😅