Super chilled alliance looking for 5 players.

No aq and aw minimums.
Chilled alliance but still get good rewards.
Aq score prior to raids intro 180m plus. Glory 4000.
Aw gold 6 tier.
Looking for active players who play daily without putting a restriction of a minimum on them.
Players ideally should be minimum cavalier level.
Send requests in game
Name: Hardclaw82
Chilled alliance but still get good rewards.
Aq score prior to raids intro 180m plus. Glory 4000.
Aw gold 6 tier.
Looking for active players who play daily without putting a restriction of a minimum on them.
Players ideally should be minimum cavalier level.
Send requests in game
Name: Hardclaw82

Without putting too much effort we are aw gold 6 and get around 3500 glory in aq (prior to raids).
Ign hardclaw82
Minimum cavalier level and must be active.
Gold 5 aw and run map 6 across 3 bgs.
In game name: harclaw82