Map6 / G1 Well Managed 100mil Ally looking for 2

We are a mostly adult, friendly ally. Most of us easily fit into a high Plat ally, but we like to balance between this game and RL. We are looking for 2 members who are active enough to clear paths in AQ and war.
We easily pull in 5200 glories per map6 cycle. Stay in top of Gold 1 with stress free / no resource war. We also do high numbers in BGs, Raid and other events without any mandatory minimums.
If you are tired of the stressful higher plat and AQ map alliances and want to join a more relaxed ally and still pull in good rewards add me in Line:
We easily pull in 5200 glories per map6 cycle. Stay in top of Gold 1 with stress free / no resource war. We also do high numbers in BGs, Raid and other events without any mandatory minimums.
If you are tired of the stressful higher plat and AQ map alliances and want to join a more relaxed ally and still pull in good rewards add me in Line: