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Free Paragon Crystal Droprates

Hi everyone,
Is there somewhere data about the droprates of this Crystal? The Daily Crystal's droprates are available in game. Yesterday I opened 99 (for necropolis) and got two Level 2 and one Level 1 what seemed somehow low.

Maybe I'm wrong.
Would be great to have that info in game too.


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    MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Posts: 1,038 ★★★★
    I got 3 revs from 400. The drop rates are just terrible
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    FGS24FGS24 Posts: 12
    Well that's why it would be very helpful to have the droprates in the game in order to know how lucky or unlucky one is :D .
    Thanks for the feedback
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    FrydayFryday Posts: 810 ★★★★
    FGS24 said:

    Well that's why it would be very helpful to have the droprates in the game in order to know how lucky or unlucky one is :D .
    Thanks for the feedback

    Sadly having drop rate info won't make a different to the result, it doesn't mean one players will be "luckier" than another, it is just probability.

    What would be helpful for players is if Kabam actually increase the drop rate (whatever it might be).

    I remember during my run of Necropolis, I open like 800 4hrs Paragon and barely got any revives. The drop rate is increate bad.
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    VenoweenVenoween Posts: 126
    If you don’t want to be crapped on, don’t stand underneath the dinosaur.
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    FGS24FGS24 Posts: 12
    Fryday said:

    FGS24 said:

    Well that's why it would be very helpful to have the droprates in the game in order to know how lucky or unlucky one is :D .
    Thanks for the feedback

    Sadly having drop rate info won't make a different to the result, it doesn't mean one players will be "luckier" than another, it is just probability.

    What would be helpful for players is if Kabam actually increase the drop rate (whatever it might be).

    I remember during my run of Necropolis, I open like 800 4hrs Paragon and barely got any revives. The drop rate is increate bad.
    Yes I know it won't change the result, should have been more specific. Having the drop rates could give an insight in what to expect and might help the community (larger dataset than just one player) to confirm or raise the issue about the actual droprates.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,632 ★★★★★
    I got one l2 revive in 100 crystals, be grateful
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,010 Guardian
    FGS24 said:

    Hi everyone,
    Is there somewhere data about the droprates of this Crystal? The Daily Crystal's droprates are available in game. Yesterday I opened 99 (for necropolis) and got two Level 2 and one Level 1 what seemed somehow low.

    Maybe I'm wrong.
    Would be great to have that info in game too.

    I do not have enough data to make an accurate estimate, but my rough guess is that the 4 hour crystals for at least Paragon and TB have about a 1.3%-ish chance to drop a L1 revive, and about 2.5%-ish chance to drop an L2 revive.

    So about one in 77 will have an L1 revive, and about one in 40 will have an L2 revive, and overall you'll see a revive approximately one in every 26 crystals. Keep in mind a one in 26 drop rate easily accommodates going a hundred crystals without seeing a revive at times, which people have occasionally observed, but also several in a ten pop at times as well.
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