Strong Alliance

Let's face it, NO ONE is perfect. Alliances are so difficult to maintain sometimes. WE want to be the best! My son and I started this alliance less than 5 months ago and after a few failed attempts, we're back at it and stronger than ever!! We are currently at GOLD 4 and just teetering on GOLD 3... probably just one win away. We are BOTH Paragon and have Legends and Valiants on our team as well. EVERYONE is at least Throne breaker. We are organized and have diversity charts. We fight in AQs weekly. All 3 BGs do Map 6. We ALL use LINE app to communicate and keep organized. Just LOOKING for 4 STRONG players who don't need to be babysat! 
There's no swearing in chat. We are a good, clean bunch of guys... all here to have fun and enjoy the ride together! We'd love to have you. If you're interested, please add me on LINE: amazing_spiderman INGAME: Amazing_Spidrmn
Thank you and we'll see you on the other side!

There's no swearing in chat. We are a good, clean bunch of guys... all here to have fun and enjoy the ride together! We'd love to have you. If you're interested, please add me on LINE: amazing_spiderman INGAME: Amazing_Spidrmn
Thank you and we'll see you on the other side!