Anyone Else Have Trouble with Disappearing Defenders in AW?

About 5 minutes before matchmaking for the current war, I noticed that our usual defender placements were off and that several defenders just weren’t placed. I fixed what I could in that time, but couldn’t do anything about 10 missing defenders.
The defenders that were removed were from two players who have had them placed in that BG for quite a while, and I am certain their defenders were placed last war. Both are still showing in the BG, but without defenders placed.
Once war started, it turns out an entire BG had their defenders removed. In the 1st war of the season 7 of 10 spots were filled and all had placed defenders.
Anyone else having similar issues?
The defenders that were removed were from two players who have had them placed in that BG for quite a while, and I am certain their defenders were placed last war. Both are still showing in the BG, but without defenders placed.
Once war started, it turns out an entire BG had their defenders removed. In the 1st war of the season 7 of 10 spots were filled and all had placed defenders.
Anyone else having similar issues?
As in the Tiers above and below what your current tier was when they initially placed.
There's the +/- icons next to “current” icon on lower right of defense placement map.
So I assume you either moved up or down a Map Tier from your previous wars. And they had ONLY placed their defenders in what was then your “Current” tier map (not also the other +/- tier maps).
Note, and when you move UP a tier, then at some point soon your people should also go back in and set defenders for what now would be your next “+” tier map, so that they are in place for when you move up a 2nd time.
Before you had to specifically place your defense for EVERY single war, each time.
Let's be clear the Boss & 4 Defenders surrounding it was our best officers defense
Used multiple times
Check it no other defender in Both battle groups
Only Battle group2
And nothing that your opponents can do will cause your own defenders to be removed from map. (except, obviously, after defeating them)