Rebuilding .. NEED 8 to Make WHOLE AGAIN!!

My name is Andres. My son and I started this alliance about 6mos ago and we've been doing pretty well to this point.
However, there were some slackers we needed to kick and a couple jumped ship after the season ended. Their lack of motivation has gone unmissed. lol
We're solid @ Gold 4 and won the first war of this new season, but with just 22 players it's going to be hard to maintain. We run MAP 6 in AQs and have a solid core of players. Everyone is either TB, Paragon or Valiant. My son, our leader and I are BOTH Paragon. We NEED Players to be motivated and unsupervised. Idk why so many players need their hands held to play. I guess that's just the way of the world... more followers than leaders. We all communicate on LINE app and would love to have some new SOLID Teammates. My LINEID is: Amazing_Spiderman
Please message me and I'll send you an invite.
We do run diversity charts. Organization is important to us. Lastly, we do run a clean ship. There's no swearing in chat, please. Other than that, hop on, help out and have some fun with us!!
My name is Andres. My son and I started this alliance about 6mos ago and we've been doing pretty well to this point.
However, there were some slackers we needed to kick and a couple jumped ship after the season ended. Their lack of motivation has gone unmissed. lol
We're solid @ Gold 4 and won the first war of this new season, but with just 22 players it's going to be hard to maintain. We run MAP 6 in AQs and have a solid core of players. Everyone is either TB, Paragon or Valiant. My son, our leader and I are BOTH Paragon. We NEED Players to be motivated and unsupervised. Idk why so many players need their hands held to play. I guess that's just the way of the world... more followers than leaders. We all communicate on LINE app and would love to have some new SOLID Teammates. My LINEID is: Amazing_Spiderman
Please message me and I'll send you an invite.
We do run diversity charts. Organization is important to us. Lastly, we do run a clean ship. There's no swearing in chat, please. Other than that, hop on, help out and have some fun with us!!