March champions - I've figured it out

I know the popular consensus is that we're getting Beta Ray Bill in March but I don't think we will. Instead I think we'll get...

Hear me out. The title of the next event quest was teased to be " The blank and the blank". Tyler said this title was a dead giveaway to who's coming next month and while "The beauty and the beast", which is the most popular theory, fits the bill (😉) I think the actual name of the event quest will " The Princess and the Frog" which is a much more obvious reference to Throg. Tyler also mentioned that Squirrel girl would make an appearance which makes sense due to hers and Throg's thematic links to urban wildlife.
Throg also fits in with Vox's synergy "Villian's weekness" which references other characters with hammers however Gladiator's synergy "Flarking Annihilators" could still be a reference to Beta Ray Bill so there is still potential he could come to the game.
As for the "Princess", well that depends entirely on the class they decide to go with Throg. They could go either the Jane Foster route and make him Mystic or the Thor route and make him cosmic. If Throg ends up being Mystic the other champ could be Sif or Brunnhilde (original Valkyrie). If they make Throg a cosmic, the other March champ could be Sylvie or Enchantress. Important to note, Tyler wore a TVA shirt and a "Variant" cap which could very well be a reference to Sylvie
Tell me what you guys think.

Hear me out. The title of the next event quest was teased to be " The blank and the blank". Tyler said this title was a dead giveaway to who's coming next month and while "The beauty and the beast", which is the most popular theory, fits the bill (😉) I think the actual name of the event quest will " The Princess and the Frog" which is a much more obvious reference to Throg. Tyler also mentioned that Squirrel girl would make an appearance which makes sense due to hers and Throg's thematic links to urban wildlife.
Throg also fits in with Vox's synergy "Villian's weekness" which references other characters with hammers however Gladiator's synergy "Flarking Annihilators" could still be a reference to Beta Ray Bill so there is still potential he could come to the game.
As for the "Princess", well that depends entirely on the class they decide to go with Throg. They could go either the Jane Foster route and make him Mystic or the Thor route and make him cosmic. If Throg ends up being Mystic the other champ could be Sif or Brunnhilde (original Valkyrie). If they make Throg a cosmic, the other March champ could be Sylvie or Enchantress. Important to note, Tyler wore a TVA shirt and a "Variant" cap which could very well be a reference to Sylvie
Tell me what you guys think.
But this is a fun theory and The Princess and the Frog is a great theme!
Beauty and the Beast