Heavy Cancel

Heavy cancel is a mechanic in which you cancel heavy midway with a special. I first remember it being used alot with Captain America IW. Anyways over the years it has been implemented into designs like colossus, doom, silk. My thing is ive played since the beginning and kabam stated their AI is never changing. Ive recently notice getting heavy canceled by the AI, which is crazy their deploying these kind of mechanics.
If the AI starts heavy cancelling more often its going to make stun immune nodes harder to find openings to attack. I don't mind the game envolving but dang. Whats next? Am i going to get shake and baked by a quake AI.
Anyone else notice weird AI interactions?
If the AI starts heavy cancelling more often its going to make stun immune nodes harder to find openings to attack. I don't mind the game envolving but dang. Whats next? Am i going to get shake and baked by a quake AI.
Anyone else notice weird AI interactions?