Thing Torch Synergy ➡️ Base Kit?

Yes yes I'm still taking my copium lol with that out of the way though, does anyone else think this synergy should be base kit?

I don't see how a change like this one would make him absolutely broken. It would have an impact on defense sure but he still wouldn't be close to being as dangerous as the top 5 defenders currently in the game. As for offense, sure it would help him ramp up quicker but that's kinda the main reason he sucks so much nowadays unless you're running that one synergy. His damage is not bad at all it's the amount of ramp required to get to that damage (which yes really good damage nowadays but still nothing broken).
He wouldn't even be close to Hulk level of speed and damage with a change like this one, hell even if you made the full Fantastic Four synergy team base kit, it still takes roughly 40-50 secs for the 7* to take down a BGs sized health pool.
@Kabam Miike I'm begging you sir, look at my name, I also voted for Ruby please help a brother out 🥲

I don't see how a change like this one would make him absolutely broken. It would have an impact on defense sure but he still wouldn't be close to being as dangerous as the top 5 defenders currently in the game. As for offense, sure it would help him ramp up quicker but that's kinda the main reason he sucks so much nowadays unless you're running that one synergy. His damage is not bad at all it's the amount of ramp required to get to that damage (which yes really good damage nowadays but still nothing broken).
He wouldn't even be close to Hulk level of speed and damage with a change like this one, hell even if you made the full Fantastic Four synergy team base kit, it still takes roughly 40-50 secs for the 7* to take down a BGs sized health pool.
@Kabam Miike I'm begging you sir, look at my name, I also voted for Ruby please help a brother out 🥲
I remember running the full team for fun sometimes and hitting like a truck, but with battlegrounds + other champs that can do it without synergies, I kinda just stopped playing him.
Over 100k in basic attacks in 10 secs (that one was full synergy team btw), the damage is definitely there it's just a shame that it takes him so long to ramp up without synergies.
I kinda understand why they did it back then, a champ dishing out that much damage in under 50 secs back then would not have been healthy for the game but now? I mean we have Scorpion Silk Hulk Titania, he wouldn't even be as quick as any of these with the Torch synergy being base-kit alone, for him to be that fast they'd have to make the full Fantastic Four synergy team base kit which might be a little too much.
Other examples include Agent Venom with the trinity, Symbiote Spiderman with Red Goblin, Champion with Titania, Cable and Wolverine with Apoc, erc.