The AI is skipping frames

This is why we complain about the AI, when i was fighting photon i thought ''maybe i was too slow and she was able to recover and then block'' but looking at the video in slow motion, that's not what happened...she was still in the dash back animation and then in a millisec she was able to block without the stand up animation, yes i did solo the fight but only because i was lucky that i only took 2 hits before that sp1, otherwise i would've died in a very close war at the time, here's the full fight video in normal speed:
Here's the slow motion gif of the parry:

What the AI did is simply not possible, i actually tried to recreate that like dashing back and pressing block as fast as i could and everytime my character did the stand up animation before he could block, i even tried to do that against the wall cause i was like ''if my dash is shorter in distance then i might be able to do it'' but nop, seems like a skipping frame situation, here's the frame 1:

And the frame 2:

I can see that happening in the new EOP and it's horrible because you will die not because you failed but because the AI skipped a frame to counter you in a way that it shouldn't
I tried to be very thorough in this post so kabam and you guys can see all the details and hopefully fix this
Here's the slow motion gif of the parry:

What the AI did is simply not possible, i actually tried to recreate that like dashing back and pressing block as fast as i could and everytime my character did the stand up animation before he could block, i even tried to do that against the wall cause i was like ''if my dash is shorter in distance then i might be able to do it'' but nop, seems like a skipping frame situation, here's the frame 1:

And the frame 2:

I can see that happening in the new EOP and it's horrible because you will die not because you failed but because the AI skipped a frame to counter you in a way that it shouldn't
I tried to be very thorough in this post so kabam and you guys can see all the details and hopefully fix this
And in another fight, I somehow got hit while standing clear of AbsMan wrecking ball 😅😭
Amazing catch and this is probably one of the root causes why we think AI changed. Will definitely follow this thread here
Frankly, I can't say if the mistakes I'm making recently are more this or botched input. I can hold my finger the exact same place, unmoving, for 5 seconds to block a special and my character randomly does a medium dash in the middle anyway.
I'm not sure if this is allowed or not. Not meaning to hijack but felt this is relevant too. This isn't mine. Found it on Reddit. It has happened to me many times as well. Someone recorded it. Something is up with the AI again. Which is weird because I thought the AI system was updated to avoid these kind of issues along with input issues which are also showing up again. Unless the system is being tweaked?
For me tho what i dislike the most about this game is the AI, nothing enfuriates me the most and sometimes just kills all the fun that i'm having in the game
The reason why i dislike so much is because there's a difference between you die in the fight because you made a mistake and when you die because the AI did something that it shouldn't....the AI can and will use masteries so getting parried is a reality in AW and BG and i'm okay with that but not when that happens like in showed on this post, it's very simple: if a player is not able to do that, the AI shouldn't.
PS: thanks for everyone commenting on this post, it's important to keep it alive so kabam is more likely to adress it
Apparently the AI is able to enter bullet time where we can no longer trust our eyes or the icons on the screen.
Dr. Zola
This should 100% be at the top of the bugfix priority list.
Playing with white tiger is a nightmare as the AI either dexes or straight up intercepts. How are you supposed to utilize a character when the AI just gimps its kit by unlocking ultra instinct. Sekiro seems less stressfull than fighting these ultron bots.
The rest of the map seems pretty normal as I can almost finish without even getting hit on block. Do class relationships influence ai ? Because the cosmic defenders behave like they were just born whille the ultron bots channel the force to intercept my intercepts.