Anyone else giving up on Deathless King Groot (and therefore Thanos) just from this first WoW fight?

I’m not an amazing player and had to do the paragon gauntlet with 5*s which took me a long time, but honestly Winter of Woe just doesn’t seem likely at all without a ton of revives. Anyone else in the same position?
And because guillotine wasn't worth it either. I haven't done carinas, especially with all of the problems.
Just forget it. I have better things to do.
I would not want to be Kabam forum mods here on the month of the finale lol.
Though i do fear that for Thanos event where all 4 champs will be needed to obtain him, the 6*s might not work out. They should make an easier event for 6* Thanos, not a common with say 4 gated paths having high difficulty and exploration gives both the Thanos.
May I just focus on exploring necropolis
We've seen Guilly, and we've heard the stated aims for these Deathless champions, on livestreams.
Hitting 18/19 in WoW is an incredible amount of effort to obtain 1/5 of a trophy champion that we absolutely know will have few (if any) meaningful applications in the game. If the Deathless piece had been one or two milestones lower, it would have looked less of a horrible grind to obtain.
Maybe...maybe Deathless Thanos will be the meta champion promised.
But we don't actually know what he is going to be like. And with absolutely no idea what I'm fighting for, a year's worth of fun-and-interactive 'challenges' like this doesn't seem something I want to invest in.
I wish the best of luck to anyone still chasing this, though: go for it!
…when you have players who want to do your content, who have the very few champs needed to do your content and who are willing to test their skill to do your content, but the content design flatly discourages those players from giving it a go at the very outset, you might want to consider rethinking your design content.
Dr. Zola
Was it worth to spend 700$ on stuff on the store just to get a Trophy champ selector? Nop, it was not, but the people that wanted those Trophy champs spent the money anyways, this is the same, but free, so you will have to get damned playing if you want those Trophy champs, will you use them? No, you wont, but thats not what Trophy champs are made for.
Final has 4 objective points and one for completion so 5 points = a total of 17 points
The piece is 18 points.
Where does the extra point come from? What is it I’m missing?
I have one path left (8.3.6) to get the 7* Guillotine and I will do that on my own pace (when resources are expiring). But I’m totally out of the race for the Deathless KG and eventually Thanos. The effort and resources required very simply are not justified.