Buff Buckets!

RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
Hello forums,

If you know me, you know that I am obsessed with champion kits and balancing. It is the part of the game that I enjoy the most. I have created multiple threads to constructively discuss the launch of champs including Odin, iHulk, DDHK and Ikaris. I discovered the bug which turned DDHK into Hercules, and subsequently got him nerfed! I also managed to get Ikaris nerfed too! Maybe this isn’t a good idea after all …

But seriously, I wanted to create a comprehensive thread where we can discuss outdated champions in a constructive manner. I compiled all the champions that I feel need a buff (96), and placed them into buckets which differ by the type of buff that the champion should receive (6) according to me. Without further ado:

Bucket A - 34 Champs in dire need of a full rework:
Black Bolt
Black Panther Civil War
Black Widow
Captain America
Captain America WWII
Captain Marvel Classic
Cyclops Blue Team
Cyclops New Xavier School
Daredevil Classic
Doctor Strange
Iron Fist
Iron Patriot
Moon Knight
Ms Marvel
Ms Marvel Kamala Khan
Night Crawler
Spiderman Symbiote
Superior Iron Man
Vision Age of Ultron
Winter Soldier
Wolverine X-23

Bucket B - 23 Champs who need a moderate rework or a set of substantial tune-ups to their offensive abilities:
Agent Venom
Air Walker
Captain Britain
Civil Warrior
Daredevil Hell’s Kitchen
Deadpool X-Force
Ghost Rider
Hulk Ragnarok
Invisible Woman
Old Man Logan
Thor Jane Faster
Venom the Duck

Bucket C - 13 Champs on the verge of greatness, who need very slight tune-ups to their offensive abilities:
Doctor Octopus
Misty Knight
Night Thrasher
Peni Parker
Red Goblin
Spiderman Miles Morales
Thor Ragnarok

Bucket D - 2 Champs who need very slight tune-ups to their defensive abilities:
Cull Obsidian
Spiderman Supreme

Bucket E - 16 Defensive stalwarts who could use a bit more sauce on offense, like Red Skull:
Green Goblin
Iron Man Infinity War
Mister Sinister
Psycho Man
Super Skrull

Bucket F - 8 Trophy champs who need a full rework when all is said and done:
Iron Fist Immortal
Ultron Classic
Unstoppable Colossus

I hope we can use this thread as our own reference point in relation to Kabam’s balance updates, since commenting on Champion Spotlights is no longer a thing.

Alright forums, fire away!


  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    Technically Punisher should be in bucket F as a trophy champion, because like Immortal Iron Fist, he can only be acquired through very specific means.

    You’re right! My bad and thanks for pointing it out
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    Perhaps it's just me, but I would also put Psylocke in bucket A. Heck, I'd prefer she get the FULL overhaul treatment like Iron Man with an updated cosmetic and everything.

    She's hands down one of the coolest characters in the game (read: cool character not cool IN game) but is essentially relegated to everyone's champion graveyard.

    So, I would agree with you, except she’s got that really cool Power Control mechanic and which is super amplified by that Horseman of Apocalypse synergy - that’s the only reason I placed her in Bucket B, but I see the case for putting her in A!

    Regarding the. updated cosmetics, I get the feeling that it’s only going to be given to certain champs in Bucket A - the ‘main / classic’ ones if that makes sense - like the OG Avengers. Wouldn’t mind Psylocke getting that treatment though!
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,193 Guardian
    Rookiie said:

    Pikolu said:

    I'm curious why you think peni Parker needs a slight tuneup to her offensive abilities. She literally kills almost anyone not immune to incinerate in 3-4 bars of power for BGs healthpools if they're of equal ranking. I use mine all the time and she absolutely destroys in all sorts of content. She is very reliable and consistent and I personally don't think she needs a buff at all.

    Hey Pikolu! Basically, in non-ideal match-ups, I feel that her offensive power rate is below average. I’m not sure if others feel the same way, but with larger healthpools playing her can be a real bore. Damage-wise she’s great, I just wish her ramp-up could be slightly faster (5% increase in offensive combat power rate).
    Peni gains power every time she parries with her sync-shield active. Also if you're playing her as a 7* or as a r5 6*, then her combat power rate is almost too high. The way I play her is I use my sp1 as soon as they have 1 bar of power, then I build to just under 2 bars of power and use my sp1 again right as the opponent is over a bar of power and then you can get to your sp2 within 2 combos thanks to the sync-shield. If my CPR was higher, it would be much more stressful to play her due to not being able to parry because that would push you too high, or you'd have to throw your sp1 earlier and risk losing those extra charges before you get to your sp2 (stingy AI and all of that fun stuff)
  • Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    They should honestly take a few months to just rework all the duds, I would rather have that than new versions of iron man or spider man they keep pumping out like braindead goblins
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,421 ★★★★★
    get Ant-Man out of this list man
  • HendrossHendross Member Posts: 965 ★★★
    edited February 2024
    If this is a list of punching power, it's possible. However, it lacks consideration for utility and synergies
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,623 ★★★★★

    They should honestly take a few months to just rework all the duds, I would rather have that than new versions of iron man or spider man they keep pumping out like braindead goblins

    But are you going to buy pre-release bundles for those reworks? Would you spend actual money on them? Because releasing new champions is what keeps this game profitable, so if you’re asking them to stop doing that, then you need to get the entire community to start shelling out for buffs the same way they do for new champs.

    I am hopeful that as more people progress into Valiant and the 7* acquisition rate increases and more people move away from 6*s that Iron Man style buffs will become profitable, because it’ll be all about acquiring the champ as a 7*.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    They should honestly take a few months to just rework all the duds, I would rather have that than new versions of iron man or spider man they keep pumping out like braindead goblins

    I think so too. Kabam is focusing too much on pumping and balancing new champions, without considering the champions that are trailing behind. The first 3 buckets alone account for 70 champs.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Hendross said:

    If this is a list of punching power, it's possible. However, it lacks consideration for utility and synergies

    There’s also another way to look at this argument. I personally think that the champs in Bucket C are packed with baseline utility, but the potency needs to be enhanced:

    Doctor Octopus (increase potency and duration of inflicted debuffs)
    Blade (increase potency of Danger Sense)
    Medusa (increase potency and duration of Armour Breaks)
    Night Thrasher (increase duration of debuffs)
    Peni Parker (increase offensive combat power rate, or not as @Pikolu mentioned above, I need to test)
    Rogue (increase duration of buffs)

    So I do think there is consideration for utility in this sense, because it will make these champs more sustainable in this meta. Utility is closely tied to punching power in the examples given above.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,115 ★★★★★
    Rookiie said:

    They should honestly take a few months to just rework all the duds, I would rather have that than new versions of iron man or spider man they keep pumping out like braindead goblins

    I think so too. Kabam is focusing too much on pumping and balancing new champions, without considering the champions that are trailing behind. The first 3 buckets alone account for 70 champs.
    I'm not disagreeing with any of this but the reality is that they took a hit from the Iron Man remaster, so financially, there's no upside to prioritizing them and that's not even including the fact that they still have to answer to Marvel themselves, who will say that they want specific champions released to help promote a movie instead of a rework.
  • The_1140The_1140 Member Posts: 55
    edited February 2024
    I really think phoenix deserves a buff but have basically no clue on abilities
    Some buff that triggers against certain champs a bit like mags' one but to do some amount of burst damage instead of reducing ability accuracy or that sort of buff
    She is one of the coolest and the most powerfull mutant aswell as being really well known from the films so she'd be quite a popular one too.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    Silver Centurion confirmed God tier.

    Silver Centurion OP
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    I would personally not want Moon Knight to have a full rework if it meant removing his lunar based abilities.

    He's the only champ in the game who's abilities change based on the actual moon in real life (besides Werewolf) and I'd love Kabam to expand on that and make him a fun gimmick champ.

    Yeah Moon Knight’s lunar based abilities are so unique and out of the box, so we wouldn’t want to see them removed. However, I can see them doing both, keeping his lunar theme and giving him new abilities, rather than just boosts in Fury and Critical Rating.
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★

    I would personally not want Moon Knight to have a full rework if it meant removing his lunar based abilities.

    He's the only champ in the game who's abilities change based on the actual moon in real life (besides Werewolf) and I'd love Kabam to expand on that and make him a fun gimmick champ.

    How about Moon Knight's Moon Phases based on Pre fights... so you can select which phase suits to your needs.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,240 ★★★★★
    If peni needs a slight buff, I do believe omega sentinel needs it more than peni, Just by increasing omega sentinel 's debuff duration and letting her sp1 refresh incenerates as well, She may even become better than shuri for everest contents.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    I ranked up my Sabretooth recently and he's got the potential to be really solid. Here are some suggestions.

    1. The most important change imo would be to get rid of his wacky persistent charge mechanic. Make it work like Stryfe's instead. At the end of the fight, for each of Sabretooth's personal fury effects active, gain a persistent charge. Max: 30. They can also keep the cap of furies that can be converted by dashing back and idling to 15. It's not a big deal and it's kinda fun.

    2. All attacks have X chance to inflict bleed, doubled on crits.

    3. Move the Killmonger synergy to his base kit.

    This already would make him quite solid. Not the best, but still useful in some areas. Now for some new, and hopefully interesting, abilities he could have.

    1. Dashing back and idling for 1 second while Sabretooth has 15+ persistent charges or while the opponent has 10+ bleeds triggers Bloodlust for 12 seconds. Interrupting the opponent's basic, dash or heavy attacks pause bloodlust for 6 seconds. While Bloodlust is active, all bleed effects on the opponent are paused. Additionally, deal instant bleed damage on every hit (can be a small amount; something like 5% of modified attack) and gain life steal equal to the same amount (capped at 3% of missing health). I like the idea of Sabretooth being more of a brawler champion, like Abs Man, and not relying on special attacks for big damage like most mutants. Also the methods for pausing Bloodlust encourage the player to be more aggressive, like Sabretooth ;)

    2. Sabretooth is immune to all prowess effects. Whenever he would gain prowess, trigger Bloodlust for 5 seconds; this effect cannot be paused. Ability goes on cooldown for 5 seconds.

    3. New ability added to his sig. Against non-Tech champions, if a bleed effect would be prevented by an immunity, apply a corresponding rupture effect instead.

    This are mainly ideas I came up with while and had some free time and roughly put together some let me know what you guys think.

    Some great ideas here and thanks for sharing them! I agree with 1 and 3, because those principles would enable him to hold his own without synergies.

    In terms of new abilities, I really like 3. It would make him similar to Lady Deathstrike which actually makes sense considering they’re both clawed and in the Mutant class.

    The Bloodlust ability, I’m not really sold on the pausing aspect of it. However, if it dealt Critical Bleeds instead …
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