New deathless objective for WoW!!

It was my understanding that there is an extra point buffer for valiant players in terms of objectives in the WoW. But looks like the extra point was for tackling the objective using a deathless 7* champ.
There is no idea how tough the matchup is going to be but for someone who does not have a deathless 7* guillotine, looks like they are sol. What are your thoughts?
What we know now: the other objective you’re skipping is deathless guilly if you don’t have her because she’s literally the only eligible champ for that point.
If you decided to skip the robot one, then that’s cool, you get an extra point anyways to cover that loss.
The Guille point is another extra point. It isn’t needed but is extra. If you skip it, it won’t impact your ended points, but if you can do it, then you get a point that can basically be used to skip a later objective.
So if you do the robo AND the guilly one, you get 2 points extra which means you get to skip 2 later objectives
The 2 points are beating Abs man, and an additional deathless guillotine challenge on a later week.