Are Titan Shards Too Rare?

Let me preface this by saying I know Kabam has stated that titan shards are to be a rare and special resource in the contest. These crystals are just to give you the first opportunity to get new 7* champs.
That being said, I’ve only gotten a few. I got one within the first couple months they released them because they did special events to promote them and then I got some from Necro exploration. They also had some for Cyber Weekend cash offers too I believe. Outside of that I don’t really see them. There’s no events giving them out. No objective to give you 1,000 shards or in battlegrounds milestones unless you rank in celestial.
So the question I pose is are titan shards too rare? Should Kabam make titan shards more available?
That being said, I’ve only gotten a few. I got one within the first couple months they released them because they did special events to promote them and then I got some from Necro exploration. They also had some for Cyber Weekend cash offers too I believe. Outside of that I don’t really see them. There’s no events giving them out. No objective to give you 1,000 shards or in battlegrounds milestones unless you rank in celestial.
So the question I pose is are titan shards too rare? Should Kabam make titan shards more available?
Are Titan Shards Too Rare? 187 votes
We don't need more titan shards, what we need is, kabam should ensure titan crystal is free of mid champs like jabari and unduped thing. old champs like havok and spiderham are fine as they are great champs in general without the need of awakening, New champs who might be mid like dani or current gladiator is also fine since they are new champs. I don't mind pulling a jabari from basic as she's fine utility champ, but I ain't working my A off for 3-4 months just to pull a jabari. It is unfair to keep them in crystals.
So far I've opened only one titan crystal and got ham, very happy with him.
I’m okay with things going at a slow pace rn
I don’t see how an exclusive pay wall crystal has anything to do with it. Folks drinking too much Kabam-aid if they think getting a chance on a new champs means 8stars are coming.
Don’t get it twisted.
Of course accelerating champ acquisition will ‘push that cart’.
Don't be dense.
Also I got SpiderHam. Completely happy thanks for asking.
Back when 6*s where the top champions, I felt like most people that opened featured crystals got roughly the same champions. Since the shards were so plentiful, the luck sort of evened out across the board. With Titan shards, a single opening can create a massive divide between people. The difference between pulling the newest meta champion and pulling an old champion that you probably have ranked up as a 6* anyway, is huge. If the same thing happens twice in a row, you really start seeing a divide between the two accounts.
I don't think we're at a point where this is a huge issue at the moment, but I'm also not fully convinced that it can't become an issue in the future.
Don’t get it twisted.
Nah man it’s a game about acquiring ****. There’s always gonna neee to be something to chase. 7stars made sense to me, as did 6stars and so eventually do 8stars. We stop getting new rarities then the game really did die.
As long as I’m playing I’ll welcome that next level with open arms…. Unless it really is unbuffed Groot
Plus Kabam INSISTS on having champs that need to be awakened/duped in the Titan. This will require more shards to have a shot at getting the dupes, and get 1 step closer to a champs full potential, or 7* AGs which we don't have yet. So more shards need to be available.
Or Kabam should slow down and not even entertain the idea of 8*'s yet, at least not for another 2 years. Give us time to enjoy and get great use out of our 7*'s.
I might be throwing out a number that’s high right now, but that’s haggling 101. Ask high, settle for what you’d like to see. I don’t get settling for the floor.
5K here from BrutalDLX challenge, 5K here for reaching GC, 5K here for this other objective, etc.
I got spoiled to it. Since then I’ve opened 7. Majority of those only acquired through Cyber Weekend and Necropolis. I did an opening of 5 at the start of December, and 2 the other day.
Now I have 2500 shards and the closest I can see myself opening my next Titan is when WoW ends (so that’s what, early April if I do the Gauntlet right away?). A whole new rotation will have taken place again by then.
Now I’m sure we’ll get Spring Cleaning and Act 8 out by then which will undoubtedly have some shards, but I’d like to be able to open at least ONE per month without having to fork over my wallet. I really think doubling the 7* dupe to 1200 would make a big difference.
😭😭 @Polygon I'm there for ya.
In this case, the posts will continue until RNG improves