Grandmaster Fight and AI interaction
Good Morning, I am here for a bit of advice and also a few questions/suggestions for Kabam. I've enjoyed this game for a long time. At one point I had to take a break due to family tragedy. I've recently pushed to become Thronebreaker along with content that I left undone due to my roster not being strong enough and til I had better experience, skills to attempt. My disability sometimes makes the game feel like I should just quit but I want to try to push for TB despite my struggles. The current AI and input issues are making the Grandmaster fight more than a uphill battle. I have saved up resources even spent units for this run , and while I expect it to be a challenge the aforementioned issues are making it beyond frustrating. Things not being banned until after more than 3 tries to baiting specials and still getting hit when the screen says I dex it. I don't want to give up, but I am out of ideas. Thanks in advance.